The White privilege to terrorize


Well-Known Member
I'm quite fascinated by the debate you all have been accidentally engaged in

You have some arguments worth considering :o


Well-Known Member
For some reason the admin told me that DIRECTLY QUOTING YOU ALL is considered "spam".
So i cant even REPLY to your posts - as that will be "spam".

In otherwords, the post i made was far too embarrassing and damaging to your scams, frauds, deceptions... that it could not be allowed to remain up for everyone to see it


Well-Known Member
For some reason the admin told me that DIRECTLY QUOTING YOU ALL is considered "spam".
So i cant even REPLY to your posts - as that will be "spam".

In otherwords, the post i made was far too embarrassing and damaging to your scams, frauds, deceptions... that it could not be allowed to remain up for everyone to see it


Well-Known Member
i'm going to leave this here instead of GOP Leadership because this is specifically for terror tactics.

that's right! no permit! no training! come on down y'all!

Texas is busy these days..this is what it looks like when the power grid is frozen.


no UI, no health, no rent. let me be the first to wish Texans, Happy Holidays:finger:
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Well-Known Member
i'm going to leave this here instead of GOP Leadership because this is specifically for terror tactics.

that's right! no permit! no training! come on down y'all!

Texas is busy these days..this is what it looks like when the power grid is frozen.

View attachment 4978164

no UI, no health, no rent. let me be the first to wish Texans, Happy Holidays:finger:
found that gun one did i'm doing is SMH with that we don't have enough idiots with guns