The White privilege to terrorize

Race is a state of mind....

IF someone says "BLACK LIVES MATTER"
none of you would say "race is a state of mind" or "race is a social construct".

But if someone points out that EVERY & ONLY White countries are being subjected to MASS 3rd world immigration + FORCED integration and that this clearly meets the legal criteria of genocide.......... suddenly race is a state of mind
As someone well versed in genetics and scientific classifications

If you are going to say there is only one race of humans - you also have to say there are no races/subspecies/breeds of PLANTS/ANIMALS/IINSECTS

so anyone spouting that nonsense is NOT doing so in the name of SCIENCE - they are doing so in the name of their RELIGION of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS.

Religion has no business being in science
As someone well versed in genetics and scientific classifications

If you are going to say there is only one race of humans - you also have to say there are no races/subspecies/breeds of PLANTS/ANIMALS/IINSECTS

so anyone spouting that nonsense is NOT doing so in the name of SCIENCE - they are doing so in the name of their RELIGION of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS.

Religion has no business being in science

human being are just mammals that stand up right...
As someone well versed in genetics and scientific classifications

If you are going to say there is only one race of humans - you also have to say there are no races/subspecies/breeds of PLANTS/ANIMALS/IINSECTS

so anyone spouting that nonsense is NOT doing so in the name of SCIENCE - they are doing so in the name of their RELIGION of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS.

Religion has no business being in science

No. You aren't well versed whatsoever.

Here to help with basic elementary school science. Classification system 1 Kingdom. When Linnaeus,examples of an order include cetacea... More
For some reason the admin told me that DIRECTLY QUOTING YOU ALL is considered "spam".
So i cant even REPLY to your posts - as that will be "spam".

In otherwords, the post i made was far too embarrassing and damaging to your scams, frauds, deceptions... that it could not be allowed to remain up for everyone to see it
You are incorrect and still have not responded to the fact that white people benefitted more from diversity programs than any other race.
Just to make sure im not violating ANY TOS
Here is an image of a collection of arguments that have been made in this thread so far

View attachment 4978173
Is this the post basically snow flaking to be banned, or is that coming soon?

@DIY-HP-LED has posted articles saying that RACE DOESNT EXIST - therefore White Privilege is NOT EVEN POSSIBLE

What do you all have to say about that?
Do you answer for every racist spam troll here? lol you really really suck at this.
DORIAN is not a FRAUD about this stuff either

When Dorian orders RACES aka BREEDS of seeds
He doesnt care if they just throw random bagseed in there


I believe you are attempting to refer to plant species.

The species name is the basic unit of classification. It describes one kind of plant within the genus, and is almost always an adjective. By itself, the species name is meaningless. For example, Digitalis purpurea is the botanical name for foxglove, while Echinacea purpurea is the name for purple coneflower. The species name, purpurea, indicates only that some part of the plant is purple; by itself it gives no clue to the identity of the plant.

Here to help.
IF someone says "BLACK LIVES MATTER"
none of you would say "race is a state of mind" or "race is a social construct".

But if someone points out that EVERY & ONLY White countries are being subjected to MASS 3rd world immigration + FORCED integration and that this clearly meets the legal criteria of genocide.......... suddenly race is a state of mind
too much vodka comrade.....
I believe you are attempting to refer to plant species.

NOPE - i am referring to plant SUBSPECIES aka RACE aka BREED

When you order SEEDS of a particular SUBSPECIES/RACE - you don't care WTF they throw in there because YOU are not a FRAUD.... right?