Cheers april, it was a absolute beast and tasted really goodWow serial violator (luv ur name hahahaha) now that's a big fishy!!!!
My brother and i caught it by tieing lines to trees in certain areas that had live bate on them that we spear fished for then going to check on them every hour or so, out of 10 lines we caught 2 of the same that was the biggest by far.Man that is a fish. Must have been hella fun catching that baby!
Great stuff and thank for posting! Excellent share.
My brother and i caught it by tieing lines to trees in certain areas that had live bate on them that we spear fished for then going to check on them every hour or so, out of 10 lines we caught 2 of the same that was the biggest by far.
Massive respect to our guide Nelson who was by far the most heroic man ive ever met, he could make nearly any animal noise in the jungle and also at one point climbed a 200ft tree(no ropes or anything) and grabbed a monkey sloth out of it.
Man that is a fish. Must have been hella fun catching that baby!
Great stuff and thanks for posting! Excellent share.
April now that is what you call one WICKED ASS pic!
Kind of put me in a trance. Mesmerizing if you will.
Makes me wonder?....Also a excellent share to say the least
You really need to do something about all that hair!!That is an awesome mesocyclone!!!
This was always one of my favorite shots... something about the ambiance of the backlighting, the glow of the gauges and my hairy leg made it wicked.