The World Market


Well-Known Member
Just think if we re-elect obama our debt will be 25 trillion by the end of his second term. That's what worries me fuck all the other countries.
regardless of who becomes president obama,romney,or sum third party option the debt will stay the same untill politicians learn to work across party line


Undercover Mod
I like how people blame Obama when it was every past administration and in a large part Bushes wars and his creation of the DHS which made the U.S. government even bigger than ever before


Well-Known Member
My speculation on the EU crisis is there will be a point where debt will just be written off. The IMF will pump money into the banks to cover loses. And the rest from there will be up to the markets disposal. Things will get interesting if "syriza" takes control in Greece in June..
Instead of pumping money out why cant they just devolve the debt. Everybody owes everybody money that we all don't have so how about we just forget about it and start over. It Would accomplish the same thing as pumping out money with out the worry of inflation and Forex currency value.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I don't see anything good coming for quite some time. The euro will continue to sink as the contagion takes hold and it seems like it is.

Greece wants to offer Drachmas in exchange for euros and no one is taking it. There has already been a small run at the Greek banks, if you can call it that, people taking their money out so it won't be converted to the Drachmas and to hold in their homes. Remember they said that no one would do that?

China is investing Africa for the resources and will control the population with an iron fist. Those people will wish and beg the Europeans and Americans to return.

Plus, no one is talking about the possibility of a coming rice shortage and famine. Then 'they' will ask us one more time to feed the world. Does anyone remember that Zimbabwe was one of the breadbaskets of Africa when it was Rhodesia and now they have famine? They chased out the farmers and gave the land to the people in 5 and 10 acre plots. It soothed their souls but starved their bodies.

Mark my word the next breadbasket to go dry will be Kenya if they force the farmers out. Combine that with a rice shortage and millions will die. And no one is talking about it.

Edit: I know there are some investors here that understand this much more than I do and I'd like their input.

I don't want to imply that Kenya's government will fall. They are experiencing some crop failures.


Well-Known Member
To be honest Greece really doesn't owe shit compared to the other countries so why is this such a big deal. Its about 80 Billion euros. The US spent 2x as much on AIG alone

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
To be honest Greece really doesn't owe shit compared to the other countries so why is this such a big deal. Its about 80 Billion euros. The US spent 2x as much on AIG alone
Because investors are looking at growth after austerity and know they're going to default on it.

The cynical side of me is telling me that this is all a sham to make governments default on pensions to pay investor debt. Coming to a theater near you soon.

jessy koons

New Member
Just think if we re-elect obama our debt will be 25 trillion by the end of his second term. That's what worries me fuck all the other countries.
Please explain in some detail how we will be $25 trillion in debt if Obama gets re-elected. I think you are just pulling that number out of your ass.

You can't fuck all of the other counties because business is international, companies are international, most of the stuff in your house is from another country.

Look at the tags on your shoes, your T-shirts, your audio/visual equipment, probably your car and all of your electronic grow gear. They are from another country. If you work for a mid-sized/large company there is a good chance that whatever that company does or makes partially ends up in another country.

Dumbshit comments like yours are one of the reasons that rational discussions are rare in this country.


Active Member
Hard to tell what's worse somebody stating that the debt will be $25 trillion, which is a real possibility to reach with Obama or somebody living in denial stating that somebody pulled the number out of their ass with zero facts to support their statement.
The reason there aren't any rational discussion with people like you is because you obviously live in some fantasy 0bama world....
You probably don;t think California has any financial problems and if you even admit they do I am sure you blame Republicans for it....
Land of fruit and nuts.....

jessy koons

New Member
Hard to tell what's worse somebody stating that the debt will be $25 trillion, which is a real possibility to reach with Obama or somebody living in denial stating that somebody pulled the number out of their ass with zero facts to support their statement.
The reason there aren't any rational discussion with people like you is because you obviously live in some fantasy 0bama world....
You probably don;t think California has any financial problems and if you even admit they do I am sure you blame Republicans for it....
Land of fruit and nuts.....
Thank you for your thoughtful response. You assume many things it seems. I don't know where Obama land is but I'm pretty sure that I am not a resident.

You seem to think that the economic problems that are rampant throughout this country are the result of political ideology. It seems to me that politicians from both major parties are acting irresponsibly with our money. They seem to think about things in the short term and avoid discussing the long term ramifications of their decisions.

As far as dishing out blame I think that the voters of this country are to blame. We continue to elect positions who do not serve the needs of the citizens.

You described my political beliefs in very simplistic, stereotypical terms. Most people are more nuanced than that.

As for the rational discussion comment I didn't find much in your posting except assumptions and accusations. Good job.

And that link you provided doesn't mean too much and certainly proves nothing at all.

And yes we do grow a shitload of fruits and nuts out here, come on out if you dare.


Well-Known Member
Aye I follow the markts. Here's a little tip : All of your currencies have strenghened against the Euro (because the latin members And greece told epic porkies). So what, avoid Euro notes with serial numbers starting with 'Y' as they are issued in greece. Greece is about to throw it down soon maybe and changing your notes with honest john will leave you :(

So that is : avoid euro notes (esp the 500 ones) when the serial number begins with 'Y'


Active Member
"You seem to think that the economic problems that are rampant throughout this country are the result of political ideology. It seems to me that politicians from both major parties are acting irresponsibly with our money. They seem to think about things in the short term and avoid discussing the long term ramifications of their decisions."
No I didn't say that, just that the possibility of 4 more years of 0bama "leadership" and the deficit could be 25 trillion.

"As far as dishing out blame I think that the voters of this country are to blame. We continue to elect positions who do not serve the needs of the citizens. "
I'll sure agree with that.
And yes we do grow a shitload of fruits and nuts out here, come on out if you dare. "
Been there.