The World

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
does anybody else think the worlds turning to shit

war () weather () poverty ()

freaks me the fu#kout its better not to watch the news theres allways blood&death
in your face makes u wonder what the future will bring

personally i think theres way to many people in the world look at india china ect
its screwing the ozone making bad weather in most places throughout the world

at least we have w33d xD

what are your thoughts ?


Active Member
I agree completely, ther is too many fucking people. anyone who thinks otherwise, either lives in some sparsely populated state or dosn't drive.

what about the water shortage, or oil, which one is worse?

remember that one whacko a while back that was gonna suicide bomb the DHC headquarters or whatever. cuz all the shows glorified child birth, and having children. He was right on the money about that! all the glory and pride of having children needs to go die in a fire. women have kids for entirely selfish reasons. very rarely to people ever think things out.

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
they problly made bird flu and pig flu on purpose kill a few off xD

where ok in new zealand but we had a earthquake recentlly 7.2 first earthquake we had for 30 years

imagine is aids killed within days half the world would be dead