The Worst Place On Earth?


Well-Known Member
Hey... don't knock North Korea...They have 100% employment through their government.

Serious, that place is messed up in it's own way. Now take a look @ countries in Africa and Middle east.

There are some real winners out there for the shittiest place to live.

Lucky I'm an American


Active Member

This one freaked me out a bit. There were a couple of times I was genuinely concerned for the camera crew while watching; especially near the end when she questions a family if they had ever felt that their 'Dear Leader' was wrong about anything. I actually flinched. I was kinda relieved that they either chose to ignore her question or just didn't understand what she was asking.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that is fucking crazy! They didn't even understand the question! Unbelievable!!

We're in Iraq, bitching about oil while there are people who are slaves to their government worldwide..

Fu King crazy.


Well-Known Member
I grew up in the Red Scare and to this day wonder if those in Totalitarian Dictatorships understand that they are in them...


Well-Known Member
Do you understand you live under a Totalitarian Dictatorship? I think you do.
At least we dont have headless bodies turning up by the dozen on the side of the road. Trust me, im no fan of the government and the way they control everything..


Well-Known Member
I'd never really thought about it, there were places i thought are a bit grim and now i've considered it a worst place on earth would be a land locked country like Uruguay.

Oscar Zeta Acosta

Active Member
North Korea is a fascinating subject/country. From the cities void of people to the secret mountain prisons holding hundreds of thousands of people. I expect we will see this country finally have a major confrontation in next few years after the continuation of missiles and nuclear planning.



Well-Known Member
Hey... don't knock North Korea...They have 100% employment through their government.

Serious, that place is messed up in it's own way. Now take a look @ countries in Africa and Middle east.

There are some real winners out there for the shittiest place to live.

Lucky I'm an American
Imagine living in Somalia. ugh


Active Member
yea i can see it comming, its gonna be the next big international scandal. i came across this awhile back and the implications were mindblowing, considering how baked i was then. it could range from the gulags to the holocaust, cant wait till they get busted...