
Well-Known Member
hey dragon its really great to see your'e sticking with it. nothing worth keeping ever comes easy brother especially in the times were living now. either way were all fucking PROUD of you dude for everything youre doing. keep your head up! looking forward to the updates! peace


Well-Known Member
Garden was a VERY sad sight today..... 60% of PK Wide is lost to branches snapping- 60% of 2 legged PK is lost to snapping branches- 20% of Sensi Star is lost to snapping branches- a NGGH in the lower garden got devestated by gofers (not protected by the 2 layers of chicken wire)- PK South East is leaning so hard its almost snapped, it uprooted 60% of the way-

Sad Sad sight indeed..... Great learning experience though...... TMB hit it all on the head. I will see the harvest through, and be in pain all the way through.

Feeling like a failure...... smiling into the future.....

Because I choose to.


Active Member
Glad to see someone finding the positive amongst the negative-- it's a rarity in today's world. The power of choice is something too many people take for granted. Keep smiling LD, cheers.


Active Member
Aww brotha man sorry to hear the bad news.its like someone is playing a very mean game with you. Not fare man, i wonder why i haven't lost any branches or anything. I never topped my plants at all wonder if that made the difference. Well you go yell at your children and tell em to act right maybe that will scare them to stand up straight lol.glad to see you always with your head high Cuzzo. Wish i lived close by id a been just sitting there watching them and pruning and staking for ya well if you had let me of course. Well love ya brotha man. Gotta go fill out this paper work at whole foods. This word needs more love. Love to everyone out there.


Active Member
I cut and am drying a branch that had some little nugs that looked done but now that im drying it it has started to smell like hay. Will this go away when i cure it? It smelt nice when i clipped it off and this is my first time so i have no idea. Pls someone (tld country farmer or someone who's grown before) help pls.


Active Member
All the hairs had turned red on the buds on just that one branch so i clipped it off. Have had it drying now two days and it has gotten that hay smell but it smelt nice and piney (if that's a word) when i clipped it off. I just hope it isn't going to happen to the rest in a couple of weeks in think when its done. Any advise from you pros for this Rookie is always appreciated and thanks. Spread love not


Well-Known Member
Traind.... read up on my harvesting process from last year..... that is all I can say..... my PK smells more after hang dry and curing than during its flower cycle....... smells slightly less during the hang dry though.....

one NGGH (revegged one) and the Grapefruit deseil got harvested and are drying.... still haven't found my camera but as soon as I do I will get harvest pics and garden shots ;)


Active Member
I just found your indoor from last year and man hot dam you got any of that left lol. My stuff growing right now ain't nothing but some Mexican shwag. Weed seed thrown out and have grown into room nice plants and dank looking and smelling. Hopefully they will turn out good.


Active Member
TLD is that right I heard you have harvested some plants? I havent been on in quite some time...Hope all is well on your end. My ladies are doing well...


Well-Known Member
yes it sure is.....

Sensi Star got chopped

Jacks Surprise X Hi Jack got chopped

Chemo Cindy X Hi Jack got chopped

I feel like I am bleeding out of my eyes..... and am off to work......