THELOADEDDRAGON'S Perpetually growing perpetual grow

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Well-Known Member
You never expect the unexpected........ and suddenly I become aware that it is about that time...... Saddening to me, but sacrifice for progress and the sake of that which is most valuable..... the love is still there, just not the priority.... Holding my own and happy with that, I'll "Walk On" in the words of some one I respect, "Walk On, and Walk Tall!" ....... Keeping it real... Overgrow.... Rise against the machine..... Live, Learn, and Love one another, appreciate what is Real, and strive for positive progress, work hard and work together...... one day, some day...... My location remains the same ;)
wise words:peace:


Well-Known Member
You never expect the unexpected........ and suddenly I become aware that it is about that time...... Saddening to me, but sacrifice for progress and the sake of that which is most valuable..... the love is still there, just not the priority.... Holding my own and happy with that, I'll "Walk On" in the words of some one I respect, "Walk On, and Walk Tall!" ....... Keeping it real... Overgrow.... Rise against the machine..... Live, Learn, and Love one another, appreciate what is Real, and strive for positive progress, work hard and work together...... one day, some day...... My location remains the same ;)
You are gifted with words TLD. I hope your Christmas was wonderful.


Well-Known Member
Thank you.... all of you :)

The statement was meant to be interpreted multiple ways simultaneously :) as was the following one.

Christmas was/is wonderful, :). I hate presents, but love family, :). Love to give what I can to my family. And I feel as though I succeeded at that this Christmas, :).

To anyone that reads this:
May your heart be so blessed as ours, the fruit of life born upon it, with the euphoric sensations of trepidation and turpitude melting away as the flames of laughter and love lick its icicle grips away from its encumbrances lusty decadence, that you realize the moments truth, and you feel it Real, disallowing inurnment treatments of the experiences, ad infinitum to tap stimulating motivation for positive progress, or simply to attain the momentary nirvana, the moment of forever, that we share, together, for now, these most precious increments of perceptible life.


Well-Known Member
Thank you.... all of you :)

The statement was meant to be interpreted multiple ways simultaneously :) as was the following one.

Christmas was/is wonderful, :). I hate presents, but love family, :). Love to give what I can to my family. And I feel as though I succeeded at that this Christmas, :).

To anyone that reads this:
May your heart be so blessed as ours, the fruit of life born upon it, with the euphoric sensations of trepidation and turpitude melting away as the flames of laughter and love lick its icicle grips away from its encumbrances lusty decadence, that you realize the moments truth, and you feel it Real, disallowing inurnment treatments of the experiences, ad infinitum to tap stimulating motivation for positive progress, or simply to attain the momentary nirvana, the moment of forever, that we share, together, for now, these most precious increments of perceptible life.
I do love life, and love getting lost on the strange ride it is with people who actually put their mind to use. peace to you and your family, TLD :peace:

& have a happy new years! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
speaking of Bah Hum bug..... yet, on a completely unrelated note.....

I was very saddened this evening.

It had been awhile........

So I looked up the definitions of "Freedom", "Liberty", and "Free"

So very saddened.

Has our language and conceptual communication and practical application diminished to the point that such Pillar words fall upon deaf ears? Is the Implementations of Social Separatism not noticed?



Well-Known Member
Infrastructure.... disseminated... Aggregated... series of defects..... Credulous Masses encircle the Brink of realizing in understanding the true meaning of "slavery" as it sits on the other side of our current perspectives many facades and unwisely or witted submition to such common beliefs.

Do we just sit and watch our next generations be authoritatively learned all the way through?


Well-Known Member
Glad to have the Holidays over! Wonderful to spend some time with the ones you love. My first X-ms with the in-laws(had ducked it for years). Enjoyed the holiday to its fullest, good food, good drink, good people. Hope all is well. Merry X mas TLD


Well-Known Member
You got to love the in-laws. It took a couple years from me to develop a decent relationship with mine..I am 39 and my wife is 26(she was 22 when we met). So they were a little judgemental at first, but now we are one big happy family. ;) We had a great time together this year. I am glad to hear that you too wonder, had good in-law experience this year.


Well-Known Member
Glad you had a nice Xmas TLD....heres to it carrying on to Hogmanay and throughout 2010. Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Matching messages to music.... the oh so many messages...... if YOU choose to understand ;) :D ...... yes, Im talking to You ;) :hug: :shock: :cry: :-? :o :spew: :hug: :-| :hug: :D



Well-Known Member
I have been denying myself access to, or use of, a portable Cd player (discman, I'm not a big fan of ipods etc.) for almost 8 years...... for very self conscious reasons....... its like a hole in my heart getting larger and larger...... I want to get one now, I feel the Need..... so badly I lust for it.... and then if I do, everything changes...... It makes me scared, but I have to try..... its the only thing I can think of, its my last resort....... and I am not eagerly anticipating this juggling act....... Im not looking forward to it, looking in the mirror, and I see it there, as the future dawns on me..... I will still be there... in my eyes, hiding...... my heart hidden once more..... wrapped in the blanket of music, hidden behind the ferocity in my eyes, the only gateway besides the ears, blocked off...... Drawing the energy in....... the gaping hole, it opened up, growing into my mind again, sucking Me in........

I hate you

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
I have been denying myself access to, or use of, a portable Cd player (discman, I'm not a big fan of ipods etc.) for almost 8 years...... for very self conscious reasons....... its like a hole in my heart getting larger and larger...... I want to get one now, I feel the Need..... so badly I lust for it.... and then if I do, everything changes...... It makes me scared, but I have to try..... its the only thing I can think of, its my last resort....... and I am not eagerly anticipating this juggling act....... Im not looking forward to it, looking in the mirror, and I see it there, as the future dawns on me..... I will still be there... in my eyes, hiding...... my heart hidden once more..... wrapped in the blanket of music, hidden behind the ferocity in my eyes, the only gateway besides the ears, blocked off...... Drawing the energy in....... the gaping hole, it opened up, growing into my mind again, sucking Me in........

I hate you
I realize this is not the point but how can you not like ipods? It's like a discman, except it's 1/5 the size and holds every CD you own. They make non ipod-brand mp3 players too...just throwing that out there.

Either way I would view this opportunity as a new adventure...certainly nothing to fear. Sequestering yourself from society can be a good thing once in a while...
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