them nute stealing fan leafs.........


Well-Known Member
Im heavily medicated and i didn't think it was funny at all.. sorry:spew:
Think you need to medicate some more maybe? you seem a little 'grouchy'

sorry it dident please you, i will try in future to aim my humour away from your good self....

Well i found it funny, like 80% of the rubble that can be found in these forums.


Well-Known Member
LOL this is real humor.. not grouchy just baked... hopefully this will please u and get some real laughs on this thread.

.unimpressed-pizza-guy.jpg sunday-funny-garden-tract.jpg


Well-Known Member
I can see the humor in it...but a lot of people seem to think that fan leaves are annoyances...I am a firm believer that they are the plants way to intake light to make energy to carry out plant processes..


Well-Known Member
One of my friends grows outdoor and has for years and years so I thought that perhaps since he has been doing this for so long he would have some advice to give me...but he had never heard of cloning, doesn't top or train any of his plants, goes out a few times through the season to trim off all the big leaves, so on and so forth...I give him advice...he gives me the giggles...
He has a few plants that are in a terrible spot and super noticeable and I told him to just go out and bend them over and that they would just grow up from where he bent them he acted like I was a crazy person...
He saw one of my heavily LST'd plants and thought I had just planted a bunch of different plants in one pot...
Anyway...he has never ventured to actually find out anything about the plant he is growing, he just grows it cuz he likes to grow things...MJ being no different...I just don't see how there is so much stuff he didn't know...
I mean you don't have to have a 12 ft can make it smaller without losing actually gain...
I tried telling him that the fan leaves do not take anything away from the buds, but he won't believe me...
So now his plants will have to try and regrow leaves while also starting to grow buds...but fine...whatever. Have at it man.