Theory Testing of Styles


Well-Known Member
Cab Re-Do for small perpetual grow

Cab worked well for what it was intended for. But for this,, I need more control.


2 Larger replacement fans on top, 1 added low.
All top fans are exhaust,, bottome is intake.


Baffled bottom fresh intake vent


Simplified the wiring, added speed controller for top middle & bottom fans. 2 larger top outside fans are voltage controlled by adapter.


Electric trolling motor box provided materials.


Air chamber. Reduces light leakage (more stealth), can blend air,, and filters.


Rough paint job. May finish paint in better (outside) weather.

c14.jpg c15.jpg

Damper style contraption. Should be able to have lower fan suck cooler fresh floor air or recirculate / blend with the heated exhaust from top.
Way it's layed out,, I hope to eleiminate any internal need for fans (too much room to waste).


Air box completed. (see the arm for damper control?)
Filter material is from pet shop. Activated carbon / fuzz pad type material. Light duty but not too worried about smells in this stage of growth. Pads cut to size and double backed taped into position (commercial 1" SUPER sticky crap). Also one on the bottom for sresh intake side.

c17.jpg c18.jpg

With "Y" splitters it has 4 CFL capacity on bottom. Left side will be first 3 weeks (2 plants veg cfl),,, right, second 3 weeks (2 plants 1 veg & 1 flower cfl).
False back is fan diffuser for air flow (may need to be tuned a bit).

Well, that's about it.
Tomorrow will be a big plant day. The moms in the closet are overdue for attention. Couple clones need bigger pots.
I'll include a brief update.
Next stop,, get the closet converted to perpetual.



Well-Known Member
Thanks much Barb. (appreciate the feedback).
Only reason I bothered to post that was because you said you wanted to see. Glad I didn't disapoint you.


Well-Known Member
Day 73 / 15 for clones


Tons of cutting, rearranging to keep even, etc. Filled 1/3 of one of them pots with foliage. (too early to save for hash :sad:)
Let them have a couple recovery days and I'll be removing more of them suckers. Couple are prowdly showing flowers. No hermies yet - :bigjoint:

c-a.jpg c-b.jpg c-d.jpg

Beginning of the Perpetual end of things. 3 of them clones should be off to a donar around this weekend. Working on getting his temps / humidity regulated. Couple others I think may go in exchange for Bubble gum or Blueberry and White Widow clones.
Presently the upper middle fan is on 3/4 speed,, bottom about 1/2 speed with the bigger tops on slowest speed.
Top outsiders & bottom are on the light timer. Center is always on.
Damper about 1/3 recirculation blend.
Temps seem to be holding fast at 75.5F on top half and 76.5F bottom. Close enough for tonight. I'm bushed!
Will let the clones rest for a day or so and off with their heads!!!
Transplants will spend a total of 6 weeks in this veg normally. But to get things started,, these first 2 may be a little sooner just to get the cycle going.
Now to finish converting the closet (flower shop - :-o).



Well-Known Member
Thank you muchly there Chief.
Took awhile,, mostly was planned earlier but modified for this perpetual thing and finally got it (almost) done.

Closet willbe a different story. Want to run power for it from the basement, putting it on a different ciruit.


Well-Known Member
Tidy-up Day before the weekend. Monday and I'd be out of control again.
Basicly, just removing what I felt should of been left from a few days ago when I went balistic on the foliage. Shouldbe a light day. Anyways.........

Day 75 / 8 from last picture update
I'll keep it brief,, same olde, same olde as usual.

LB -

75a.jpg 75b.jpg 75c.jpg 75d.jpg


75e.jpg 75f.jpg 75g.jpg 75h.jpg

JH -
75i.jpg 75j.jpg 75k.jpg 75l.jpg

BW -

Zoned out on a phone call and missed the before shots. :sad:

After > 75o.jpg 75p.jpg

BW should be first to harvest at "at only 50-55 days" , 18 days into 12/12,, next update should show some goodies -LOL
Remember what I said about growing buds,, not leaves? Time is near.

Clones -
Already gettin in a bind with them. people BETTER be picking them up this weekend or they'll be SOL. I'll update on them Monday (fim / topping needed - already!).
16a.jpg fc.jpg
Not too shabby for 16 days (from cutting)and only that dasterdly Miricale Grow huh? ;-) Think the cab was finished just in the nick of time too.


Well-Known Member
Hey Canon I can see by keeping only what the plants needs to grow as far as leaves go will provide light an opportunity to get to the entire plant. Your ladies look so healthy and green, which goes against everything I read and heard. Which that happens a lot on this site:) Clones looking ready to be put in some soil so I hope people come and give them a home:) Man I love that cabinet it is definitely stealth! I would never think anything was growing inside.


Well-Known Member
Hey Canon I can see by keeping only what the plants needs to grow as far as leaves go will provide light an opportunity to get to the entire plant. Your ladies look so healthy and green, which goes against everything I read and heard. Which that happens a lot on this site:) Clones looking ready to be put in some soil so I hope people come and give them a home:) Man I love that cabinet it is definitely stealth! I would never think anything was growing inside.
Thanks Chief.
Wait until you see how I'm planning on growing 8 flowering in a 2X2 space with 6 weeks of vegging under their belts. ;-)
Frankly,, I'm not 100% certain I can do it. May be eating some crow on this one. :o
That's why it's a hobby,, not a buisness I guess.

I may have failed to mention,, the clones... they are on full blown nutes. I'll be cutting back now that they're established. (never lost a leaf)


Well-Known Member
Closet Re-do

Changing over for the flowering in perpetual. Here's what I started with.

basicly, one of the "never finished" things. Pots and a unsealed flow wasn't very effective. But, it did show the potential. Got a good start on finishing it before I had to stop and get the cab changed.

Also today most of the top section "happened". Still need to make up the lighting for the 3 & 6 week shelves. Weeks 9 & 12 will be on the base platform. The intake fan is giving me fits. It'll be replaced fairly soon (waiting for "Spring(?) Sales").
Anyways,, This will give a fair idea of what I have in mind.
co3.jpg co4.jpg co5.jpg

Still much to do.

Chief -
A little pre-view of what to expect. ;-)

BW -
PICT0007.jpg PICT0008.jpg ... and it's staring to show some frost too.
Not so much on the indica,, but the more sativa strains you can definately see where I went LED for a few weeks. They're stretched out in that period of growth. You'll see it whern I do a full update next week.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Chief.
Got the home fabed lighting about done today. All total,, maybe $30 for the pair.
HFL1.jpg HFL2.jpg

Each shade is from HD 12 X 24 stock. I had 1 3/4" scrap and a few rather small clippings. Bulbs, sockets, hood, wire about $25 total. Add a few screws, patern paper, maybe $25.
As long as they're open, and grown to this style,, a minimalistic approach is do-able. Not for everyone,, maybe not the best way,, but works well for me and others I've set up.
A large part of this style is minimalistic (or making do with what you have).
The goal(?) will be a quarter pound every 3 weeks average over a year's time.


Well-Known Member
Well it's up and running! :clap: (Whew!)

Doing a test run for temps. Running at 77-80F. That bottom fan is not delivering as hoped. Going to need to upgrade that this weekend. Shelves / lights will need adjusting as I get into the real grow. I just stuck the clones in there to see how it looks and make sure it all fits. :lol:;-) The whole system is based on the technique I've been showing. So small (short) is the way I hope to be able to work this.
Definately intend on working the SSH & JH. Not too certain about the LB and the BW is out (didn't bother to clone).
Anyways, It's a start.