Theowl's nest

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Any chance you want to come get some cuttings? Got a week vacation coming up. Got to keep the plants going. This whole gf thing is costing me too much in more than just money
Ya sure. When did you need em moved by?

Damnn, I need to try and go back to sleep. I can't even hold my eyes straight.
Sorry HC. I need to stop by more often. 3 months together now. Between her, the heat and my pain I'm not getting jack done. Really need to get my fall garden started.

They need clipping soon. Not sure the best way to do it since I'm not likely to get them rooted before hand
I finally have all my parts together for a new cloner. Itll actually look right, not just a modified 2gal water jug...

So, what we could do is just trim em, put in water, in a ziploc in a lunchbox cooler, and they'd make it back to the nest without worry. Or even wrapped in wet paper towels, then in a ziploc. Either way. Even have ideas for using water16oz or 20oz bottles(modified). They'd be great for mailing clones.
Alright. Let me know. I'll be around this week, weekend and next week. Weekend after that I'm going on vacation
Ok. I've a busy next few weeks but I will make time. Figure I can just bring some rapid rooters and a cooler.

Has your head become heavy with all your new reading material? Or have you gotten to read much?
I've read the aquaponics manual. I'm going to spend winter building one. Just need to get my fall garden done now. Then build the system. Researching home steading and making money doing so.
That's our dream over here. Even if not to end up making profit, if we can level out living expenses, thatd be great...
To work the land, get dirty, breathe the fresh air, eat what we grow/raise, live a simple yet hard working life--for ourselves.
Not working day in and out for other people. Not saying that if I had extra vegetables and stuff I wouldn't go to the farmers market, I would.
Coming from a farming background, I realized the value and good feelings that can come from feeding others..
And the money made there would only help the continuisation of the cycle.

It is indeed a way of life, not just a way to make money.. Not saying that is something you don't realize. ;)
but for those of us that don't do so well in the public sector-- a behind the scenes benefit to the world(however meager it may seem at the time) is a truly great thing.

Now my passions are stirred... Newly formed synapses engulf my senses, and give my thoughts and dreams hope for survival!
I do believe I should find myself useful, and get off my ass on my endeavors...
Sorry HC. I need to stop by more often. 3 months together now. Between her, the heat and my pain I'm not getting jack done. Really need to get my fall garden started.

They need clipping soon. Not sure the best way to do it since I'm not likely to get them rooted before hand

I have found that cloning them is the way to go,,,,,one goes to work, one cleans the house and one just for sex
That's our dream over here. Even if not to end up making profit, if we can level out living expenses, thatd be great...
To work the land, get dirty, breathe the fresh air, eat what we grow/raise, live a simple yet hard working life--for ourselves.
Not working day in and out for other people. Not saying that if I had extra vegetables and stuff I wouldn't go to the farmers market, I would.
Coming from a farming background, I realized the value and good feelings that can come from feeding others..
And the money made there would only help the continuisation of the cycle.

It is indeed a way of life, not just a way to make money.. Not saying that is something you don't realize. ;)
but for those of us that don't do so well in the public sector-- a behind the scenes benefit to the world(however meager it may seem at the time) is a truly great thing.

Now my passions are stirred... Newly formed synapses engulf my senses, and give my thoughts and dreams hope for survival!
I do believe I should find myself useful, and get off my ass on my endeavors...

Aiming to go off the grid in the next 5 years....self sustainability is the ultimate freedom.
I wish I could clone her as long as that didn't mean I had to spend more time. I already don't get the stuff I need to do done
I'm definitely wanting to stay away from human kids. Thinking about goat kids though. Not sure which is worse but at least goats won't talk back, or about those secret plants mommy and daddy have. Though they'll probably eat them if given the chance
part of the reason i'm working on moving to a medical state... not gonna tell the lil one til she's old enough to figure it out but when that time comes don't want to lie and bullshit to her. It's a lot easier to say daddy's growing medical cannabis than daddy's got an illegal grow up going ;)
Mine is : Theowl'snest
sorry cant link ATM.
But everyone is welcome.

Hey all....I just wanted to introduce myself and let ya know I'm subbing :) I'll chime in here and there if you guys don't mind a little oxytocin in the mix :o
I promise I'm not overly sensitive ;) ;)
Mine is : Theowl'snest
sorry cant link ATM.
But everyone is welcome.

Hey all....I just wanted to introduce myself and let ya know I'm subbing :) I'll chime in here and there if you guys don't mind a little oxytocin in the mix :o
I promise I'm not overly sensitive ;) ;)

Can always handle spreading the love! Nice to have ya!
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