Hi everyone, I hope you're having a good weekend-if you're not working
So, I need some help from you all...I'm looking for strain suggestions, since I'll be getting some new seeds soon. As far as what I'm looking for- I have a reaaaalllly high tolerance, so I'm looking for the strongest strains I can easily get my hands on (Attitude, or something similar, but I like their coffee mugs). Taste would be nice, but I don't have a particular thing that I'm looking for. As far as the buzz is concerned, I'd like it to be very strong-either body or mind, or both. So far, I really like the HSO Trainwreck, BF Liberty Haze, and the 1024 is pretty good too, with a very unique taste(those are listed in no particular order). Right now, I'm thinking about BF LSD, the Trainwreck, and more 1024 and LH, but I really want to try something new!! I was thinking I would give the LSD another try, since I killed the girls I tried to grow last summer

So please, if you have any recommendations, I'd really appreciate them
On a side note, I popped 3 Liberty Haze seeds and a 1024 seed into a wet paper towel for germination

My power supply should be here Monday, I'm not sure why it took forever...oh well... so I'm going to put that light together Monday night. Then I can put my germinated seeds in some dirt hopefully
Also, I think I want to add a 3590. Any suggestions on the color temp, based on the fact that I'm putting together a 3070 3000K now? I was thinking I would add a 4000K, but I'm waffling on the 2700K...I think I want to replace the black dog with CXA's and use the whole 3x2 area....