Thermaltake Silentcat computer fan


Well-Known Member
There rated at 16dba, sounds might silent compared to the average 25dba of typcall mofoin quiet computer fans, plus its rated for 63 cfm... Anyone using one? Sounds like to good of of thing for everyone to just pass up..
circulations? yes.

but trying to use one of these on a carbon scrubber wont cut it. i would think you should be able to cool your light with one of these as well!
yes, oh yes,,, ik, not nearly enough 'torque' you could say, ik, i dont necesarly NEEd a carbon scruber, but silence, yes. What do you think about 16 dba?
I have a couple of those in here, but I don't use them for the grow system, they just don't put any pressure on the air :?

but u can get better PC fans for moving air on a small grow closet

I use a Ultrakaze w/ 130CFM for the 600w HID light and it works awesome
and some others to move the air
(that fan is really loud, but u can make a soundproof box or something to avoid the noise)
Really? coool man, so are they 'completly silent'? or can you still hear them? foot away? two feet? Is the airflow noisy? Thanks in advance.
I also have some ultrakaze 133's. The fan makes some sound. But like Stig says, you can easily silently mount them. I used duct tape wrapped cardboard for the mountings, and easily tied them down with nylon line.
You can order from frozencpu_com, also check out the fan controllers and thermal control stuff, ac plugs, click n splice.
And here' s a sale on 88cfms for $4 each. Yate Loon High Speed 120mm Fan (40dBa, 88CFM) Use two of these instead of one 133cfm, to help cut down sound. Go with the highest cfm for your buck, they are really easy to quiet down.
Of course it's almost silent if the stig uses it.

Here is 74cfm and 14dba but it's expensive for a PC fan. - SilenX IXP-74-14 120mm Case Fan - Case Fans

You could always just buy a super high cfm PC fan and then get a fan controller and just dial it down until the sound is at the right level and then you can turn it up if you ever need more air flow. - ZALMAN MFC1 Plus-S Silver 6 Channel Multi Fan Controller - Controller Panels

Or there are plenty of fans that come with the speed controller built in, - SILVERSTONE FM122 120mm Case Fan - Case Fans

but I think it would be cheaper to get the fan controller, and then 4 dollar high CFM fans..
and the thing about pc fan controllers...they are way cooler than the other controllers.

some will even let you dial in temperatures and such.....fucking bad ass!
Sweet links! Thanks!

Yes im currently using a speed controll adapter on the pc fans im using now. Its fucking pricelsess. The thing i was thinking about was max cfm. cause when you controll the fans, your also lowering cfm. The silent fan are designed to run at high cfm but still be silent with blade shape and curvature. Catch my drift? So yeah i know about the controllers.

I really like that silent x, but damn pricy, your right.

40dba man? sounds like a blower fan already. but nice price. Is that free ship to cause when i go to check out it says 0..? or do i have to go through the whole process to find out. Dasprout, whats that mean anyway?
Really? coool man, so are they 'completly silent'? or can you still hear them? foot away? two feet? Is the airflow noisy? Thanks in advance.

I put the fans inside a box (something like a fedex or usps box) and they are incredible to block the noise (and are free, I have tons boxes in here haha) or u can do a better looking one using wood and foam (I will do that after finishing the flowering room)

I can hear the fans but the sound is pretty low (on the ones inside a box or something) if they are just sit in there they are loud at max speed (but not that big deal)
Sweet links! Thanks!

Yes im currently using a speed controll adapter on the pc fans im using now. Its fucking pricelsess. The thing i was thinking about was max cfm. cause when you controll the fans, your also lowering cfm. The silent fan are designed to run at high cfm but still be silent with blade shape and curvature. Catch my drift? So yeah i know about the controllers.

I really like that silent x, but damn pricy, your right.

40dba man? sounds like a blower fan already. but nice price. Is that free ship to cause when i go to check out it says 0..? or do i have to go through the whole process to find out. Dasprout, whats that mean anyway?
Sorry. I've been busy. I didn't fully understand your question, but here's where I ordered my Yate Loons from YATE LOON 120mm Case Fan - D12SH-12 - High Speed

They have a shipping calculator to calculate shipping costs. If my apt was totally quiet, the AirCond off, and I were sitting right next to the exhaust on my box. Then I would hear my 133cfm. I sound like air passing like a really low hum. Then again I have it on a fan controller, and I never really dial it up to max.
Good luck. Get what you need dude, if you really don't have to be super duper silent, then get the cheap stuff, you'll be happier. I'm out.:evil:

build it
Sorry. I've been busy. I didn't fully understand your question, but here's where I ordered my Yate Loons from YATE LOON 120mm Case Fan - D12SH-12 - High Speed

They have a shipping calculator to calculate shipping costs. If my apt was totally quiet, the AirCond off, and I were sitting right next to the exhaust on my box. Then I would hear my 133cfm. I sound like air passing like a really low hum. Then again I have it on a fan controller, and I never really dial it up to max.
Good luck. Get what you need dude, if you really don't have to be super duper silent, then get the cheap stuff, you'll be happier. I'm out.:evil:

build it

Goddamn.. That is cheap.. Yeah thats an aesome deal right there, ill check into that, what speed setting do you have your yate fans at? Same fans right?
Goddamn.. That is cheap.. Yeah thats an aesome deal right there, ill check into that, what speed setting do you have your yate fans at? Same fans right?

Actually. Mine are supposed to be delivered today, friday. I did buy 4 of those Yate Loon high speed 88cfm shits. 4 fans plus shipping came to $20.63. And I ordered them on wednesday. Huh, two days. Nice one. I can't critique em' as of yet, but I have my Scythe 133 at half power, and it easily pulls though a homedepot E-Z flow (generic) dust filter. If that helps at all.:evil:

damn da sprout is evil, to bad, i was going to rep him too,, But i only rep uncontaminated souls. oh well..

Hey what does that mean though, seriously, ive heard it somwhere before and its killing me,,, is it a band?

Yeah im going to be looking into these fans for the future, i ended up going with the 500cfm blower though.. Im just going to insalate the fuck out of it..