Thermaltake Silentcat computer fan

damn da sprout is evil, to bad, i was going to rep him too,, But i only rep uncontaminated souls. oh well..

Hey what does that mean though, seriously, ive heard it somwhere before and its killing me,,, is it a band?

Yeah im going to be looking into these fans for the future, i ended up going with the 500cfm blower though.. Im just going to insalate the fuck out of it..

Nice decision. Sometimes the darkness. Just. Takes over.
Oh yeah. Just incase no one knew about it. If you don't have the cash for a fan controller, and you're about to get a 12v AC and start splicing. Here's what you can easily do. Instead of buying (if you need to) any ol' 12v. Get one of these 12v DC Power Supply with Single Molex Connector
The reason being is that all 120mm fans either come with, or are pre connected to the male/female 4pin connectors. The Yate loons come connected. Essentially you can stack the fans by attaching them together with their 4pin connectors. Then attach the last one into the AC Molex. Baam, they all work, no spicing, straight factory shipped ac pc fans.
No more having to ask or tell anyone where to find the stinking DIY thread. Problem. Easily solved.
Whatever. I'm just wrecked.:evil:

High Tech PoT
I just ordered 8 Thermaltake silent cats for my dual 150w grow, its going to be cooled by strictly thermaltake fans, ill give the report when i get them. Im just thinking when i dim these things its going to be completly silent, well see though..