These dead?


The soil seems to be drying up every couple of hours. I didn't spray them before I went to bed, in fear of overwatering. and I woke up to this.006.jpg005.jpg004.jpg 1 looks ok, the seed you see was about to sprout but decided to fall over due to whatever it is I did wrong. the skinny one folded over was pretty thick for its size and growing strong yesterday. Man It's been a rough morning... I added a bit of water to them all obviously,I'm hoping to tell with in a few hours if they will bounce back? need a little advice


Well-Known Member
humm.. not sure man.. I know people go from seed to harvest with that soil. too much water? did you check the ph of the soil?


The water is distilled for 48-72 hours and ph is 6.5 in the soil. I know it says not to over water ,but I could literally stick my finger in to the bottom of the pot, like if they were in sand. So of course I sprayed some water on tops to at least dampen the top 1/2 inch (5-6 sprays of water). The only thing I can think of, Is that I let them get too bone dry over night and they died...and using such tiny pots requires me to keep a closer eye on the mositure of the soil in such early stages? If that's not it then I really have no idea what I did and what direction to go in from here.


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind when I say dry, I mean crunchy/sandy/almost like a fresh bag of perlit that has never seen water.
If thats happening every couple of hours as you claim you either aren't watering or your humidity is near zero. Rather than spray the top, water the medium thoroughly. The roots need water. Why would the tap root grow down when all the water is at the top?


If thats happening every couple of hours as you claim you either aren't watering or your humidity is near zero. Rather than spray the top, water the medium thoroughly. The roots need water. Why would the tap root grow down when all the water is at the top?
In fear of over watering I sprayed the tops....figuring gravity would take over after..taking the water down..and yes,I spray every couple hours like I said, So....humidity has to be 0. keep a wet towel in there or...? It's been a few hours,ill take some updated pics.

Mrs. Robinson

Active Member
would back the lights off just a tad.......they dont need bangin' light right at this point.just light, for a short bit until they get a grip


would back the lights off just a tad.......they dont need bangin' light right at this point.just light, for a short bit until they get a grip
Thanks- I backed them off to 4.5 inches from the lights. I turned off the fans on the inside to keep the moisture in; Seems to be working. I didn't think such little fans would dry out the box so fast. Anyone have an ideas on the survivability of the two that keeled over?


what are your temps in there?!!
looks to me like you cooked those babies
72* F- I'm pretty sure the two are down for the count but I'm not ready to throw them out lol and no one's told me if they can come back or not,so there they sit next to their unsprouted sisters.

Mrs. Robinson

Active Member
if they look dead, they probably are.They wont come back.....get rid of them before it traumatizes the emotions of there

just that first pic, that one looks like it may not make it, hell, just ride it out for another day, then you'll almost certainly know