These light Bang for you Buck?

Rocket Soul

Well-Known Member
They look allright. It looks designed to eliminate the hotspot right underneath the board, so probably not your usual botched china design.

But i havent seen reviewed with details (ppfd temps etc from an independant source). No heatsink and 390x240mm. The fotops (sorry to mention them) run ok temps at about 70w per square foot so maybe a bit on the hot side, especially with the driver mounted on top. Id reconnect it for remote driver. Actually now seeing the photos theres some temp data around 50C

Its likely to been manufactured by one of the china alibubbers. But with Amazon id expect better warranty and easier return.

Maybe shot a mail to them to feel them out. Ask for something they havent included in the data, like how many ounces of copper trace, how many mA per diode, what flux and voltage bin.

Remember that HLG got some similar boards aswell.

If you find out more please let us know :)


Well-Known Member