These Seeds Wont Pop!


Active Member
I started using the paper towel method a few days back, i noticed that the paper towel had dried a bit but where the seeds were was still damp...i thankfully found this site and have moved them into a sponge in a glade long do these things friggen take?


Well-Known Member
u should have just kept wetting them in the paper towel, anywhere from 2-5 days, majority sprout by the 2nd day


Well-Known Member
Mine took only a day and a half, some of the other seeds took longer. What I did is paper towel wet, then the seeds on it and another wet paper towel over it, wet being not soaked but enough water, at room temperature, that has been left out a day, and then you wrap the towels with plastic wrap and set it on something warm. Just wait a day and then check.


Well-Known Member
Haha, yeah, one more thing, if your using the seeds you found in your sack make sure they aren't cracked, and attempt to germinate many at a time to better your chances, I did 20 a time and came out with about 6 successful.