They are dying

I do not know what is happening to my plants. They have drooped and are drying up and turning yellow. they look like they are just drying up or starving.
Ok I have a nft systme with 9 plants, there are three tubes with 3 plants in each one. I am in my 3rd week of flower with a ppm of 1800. They looked good and no yellow anywhere.
What I did next will give you a stroke. I added one dose of hamerhead nut. A high nitro blend. Well the next day I noticed tips bunded just a little about the size of a bb.
I flushed the systme amd replaced the nutes back to my original( with worked 4 timwes in a row well) mixture.
Day 3 half of one of myplants starts to droop, so I put the drip on high and came back the next morning and another one is like dead!! now I am watching them slowly die!!
I did flush two more times and have only 200 ppm of nutes. My picture is the day before this all happend. Can you help a feller out?


i don't think your picture uploaded properly. you know what they say, if it ain't broke...............
i feel your pain. i wish i could offer you a solution but i would've also just flushed.