They finally obtained a Trump Tax Return!

The truth is always the truth. There are no left or right politics when it comes to facts. What the Trump-right want to do is invent facts, otherwise known as lie. Just like denial of fossil fuels causing climate change. They make the truth out to be a liberal lie and try to insert their own story. Like Trump claiming he was wire tapped on Obama's orders. Or the size of the crowd at his 2017 inauguration speech was larger than Obama's. Or his margin of victory was historic. I dare you claim any of those are true. The facts are otherwise. But I'm guessing you won't be able to hold yourself back.

When it comes to people, memory, feelings, life experiences, there are more sides to belief than there are people. What we've stopped doing is agree that there can be only one set of facts. Decisions about what to do can vary and change but there can only be one set of facts.