They found O.J. Guilty


Well-Known Member
I am sorry I forgot to put my ? on my title, they are about to come back with a verdict, do you think he will be found guilty? So what do you think? Do you think they will give him some prison time? Do you think he deserves it? For this or MURDER????


Well-Known Member
My guess is he'll do a small amount of time. Damn, I worshiped this guy when I was a kid.


Well-Known Member
Yeah he had it all going for him when he was young and in his prime. I still remember the ad where he ran through the airport. I just can't believe that after everything that went on with his first trial, that he couldn't keep his ass out of trouble. I know a lot of people thought he got away with murder and then he thinks he will write a book on "if he did it" and now this? Mans got some problems I guess. On the news last night they said just one of the charges (not sure which one) but in Nevada will get 15 years min. That's if he doesn't win an appeal.


Well-Known Member
Yeah Raped or killed in prison, he's in jail right now. The judge said no way is he getting out on bail this time, they had to dismiss the jury from the room and then she let the lawyers have it. She said I sat through this trial I know what he did and unless you have new evidence to prove otherwise he's going to jail. In my opinion he belongs there and he will get the real justice he deserves, He got too fucking Cocky Some one in prison will get him just like they did Jeffery Dahlmer he's dead now too. Some one with nothing to lose will be famous for the guy who killed O.J. Just think of his poor kids. Man to live with a Dad that you know probably killed your Mom because he has a temper and then have to remain in his custody let's hope they get some help I think they need.


Well-Known Member
He robbed a couple of sports memrobilia dealers. Apparently there was a gun involved as well.

Take Care and Peace
He went in with the intent to rob with a gun and then kidnapped the guy threatened to kill him with a gun he claims they didn't know they had. I think the jury had like 11 counts against him and they were all unanimous on the poll as guilty. About the bail, he didn't have all of it so he must be in need of cash. He says he wanted his stuff back. But they went about it in a totally wrong way. What kind of man get's away with murder and then wants to write a book saying if I did it this is how it would have happened. He was just lucky the first time that the DA's jumped the gun and didn't gather enough evidence.


Well-Known Member
He robbed a couple of sports memrobilia dealers. Apparently there was a gun involved as well.


Well-Known Member
seems like the law has had a grudge against oj since he walked for the murders back in the day. he's getting life no doubt about it.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but I have to say that he had to kill those people who else did it? and then for him to write a book on How he would have done it? That's freaking nuts. He did it. and now he will get some jail time. I feel really bad for his kids. What a life.