They wont sprout:-(


Well-Known Member
hey guys outside of the fact that i am most likely being impatient will putting cfl's an inch or to over the soil of my new germinated seeds help them push through? I germinated the 10 bubblicious seeds in 20 hours and planted themroot down,lol...well Im working on day 4 and no sprout. do i leave them in the dark? or warm up the soil by putting the cfl on them? Thank you for any help you can give me and your noob patience,:-?
If ya touched the tap root with your finger it wont grow.


Well-Known Member
for future reference if i would have handled the germinated seeds briefly with latex gloves would that have been ok?b/c your right I did handle them with my hand:-( just wondering what means to use next


Well-Known Member
for future reference if i would have handled the germinated seeds briefly with latex gloves would that have been ok?b/c your right I did handle them with my hand:-( just wondering what means to use next
Its ok. That is what learning is about. Put your new seeds in a glass with about an inch of water. Let the seeds soak for 24 hrs. No matter what they look like plant them after soaking for 24 hrs. They will be up in 1 or 2 days.

The paper towel deal is risky.


Active Member
Its ok. That is what learning is about. Put your new seeds in a glass with about an inch of water. Let the seeds soak for 24 hrs. No matter what they look like plant them after soaking for 24 hrs. They will be up in 1 or 2 days.

The paper towel deal is risky.
yea I got 4 seeds given to me in wet paper towl and I whent to take a seed out that had a tap root in it and even though the towl was wet the root was stuck to the towl and ended up losing the root from the outside


Well-Known Member
alright pre-soaked 10 big blue seeds from BCBD, I planted them root down in presoaked rock wool cubes with tweezers, I covered the tray with the plastic top......and put day light cfl's over them...waiting game now. I thought the cfl wouldnt hurt either way maybe add some warmth


Well-Known Member
alright pre-soaked 10 big blue seeds from BCBD, I planted them root down in presoaked rock wool cubes with tweezers, I covered the tray with the plastic top......and put day light cfl's over them...waiting game now. I thought the cfl wouldnt hurt either way maybe add some warmth
You are on your way to successs! Would like to hear of your results.


Well-Known Member
most definetly and ill get some pics rolling here soon. I tested my water and the ph is around 6.5-7.0, will this work? Some peeps say start seedlings with lower ph...I dont really know:roll:


Well-Known Member
I agree, I think most people make the process way more complicated then it really needs to be,lol.....after all it is a weed:peace: take care, thanks for the advice


Well-Known Member
ok its day 3 today and no sign of a sprout yet:-( its ok though it can take longer sometimes i suppose. I think i did everything right with these 10 big blues. I pre-soaked the rock wool in low ph water, and planted the seeds tap root down with tweezers, got a warm heating pad underneath the tray and 4 100 what daylight cfls an inch over the rockwool cubes,LOL I gues outside of giving them BLOOD I'm just gonna have to be patient............


Well-Known Member
I know right, they should I'm keeping the rock wool moist but not soaked, and its warm enough. Is it ok that you can see the top off the seeds if you look into the hole in the wool? I mean i dont have to cover it right? WOW didnt think getting a sprout would be this challenging,LOL


Well-Known Member
Hey joe, sorry to double post:-) just wanted to ask you on your white rhino seeds, did you keep cfl lights on them the entire time after planting them?


Well-Known Member
It sounds like you are doing everything right. Not all seeds are good. Give them some time. Every time i soaked mine in water for 24hrs and then planted they were all up in 3 days.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Is it ok that you can see the top off the seeds if you look into the hole in the wool? I mean i dont have to cover it right? WOW didnt think getting a sprout would be this challenging,LOL

That is a very good question.... I ran across the same problem using some soil free starter plugs (not peat pots). The plugs are spongy like and when I put the seeds in them.... there's no way to cover the hole because it's not like soil. I suspect Rockwool is the same??

I have no idea what the answer is... but I know light isn't suppose to hit the roots so I took tweezers and pulled little chunks of the plug from the top/side to cover the hole so light didn't hit the root. All 3 of my WW sprouted... although it appears that on one of them the root may be growing up towards the surface.

LOL.... who knew a weed could be this difficult to grow :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
thanks for the respomses guys, one of the rock wool cubes looks like its getting ready. but nothing really confirming yet ill let you know. All goes well Ill be able to get some pics going:-)


Well-Known Member
Hey joe, sorry to double post:-) just wanted to ask you on your white rhino seeds, did you keep cfl lights on them the entire time after planting them?
Yeah man. I had 4 Rhinos and a Clone with 4 23watt CFLs. I tossed 2 of the rhinos. Two are still around and kicking, one much bigger then the other. Now I got the clone and two rhinos under 3 23 Watt CFLs. Broke my 3* something watt bulb so I am gonna go out and buy some more of those and replace it.

But anyways long tangent, yeah I had cfls on them the whoel time.


Well-Known Member
cool i'm just gonna do that then, it seems like its a mixed opinion on the light subject, 1/2 say hit them 1/2 say no need until they sprout and shed the shell. so I think the cfl cant hurt.. GOOD news is 1 did sprout today about an inch, so I dont know about the other 9 shitters but they need to do something we are almost on day 5,LOL K, that was my tangent......

oh really???

Well-Known Member
i'm with you on this one. i soaked and planted the beans but the beanstalk has yet to come.

. . . Quick question, what is too hot a temp. to germinate?


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt know what is tooo hot, but I woudl say if its hot to your finger then its too hot. They just need to be warm. I put them on top of my computer case. Worked everytiem i tried