thick cardboard

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
when cutting thick cardboard that is on the backs of furniture like dressers and shit what is the best way to cut it? its about 1/8" thick but it is so hard to cut through. does anyone have a good way to do this? i want to cut out 3 squares in the back for fans but i found it extremely hard to even but off a strip of cardboard earlier

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
i tried an exacto knife i had laying around and it didnt do anything its cardboard with a coat of plastic over it i cut the plastic but this had to bend it to break the cardboard and i cant really do that with squares. a jigsaw was what i wass thinking but i dont have money or room for it. i was also thinking about a drill or drimmel and using a drill bit to shape out the square or atleast get an initial hole in it first


Well-Known Member
If its just cardboard, the solution is use more muscle :razz:

Make a starter hole with a drill if you need to, then just ram what ever cutting utensil in there.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
haha i wish i had a electric turkey knife that would be easy haha alright looks like im just gonna have to use a knife and work at it for a while... haha it will be worth it tho


Well-Known Member
its not cardboard, its panelboard if its off the back of a piece of furniture, you can cut with a good sharp utility knife just keep scoring the same spot it will eventually cut through.

and you said you dont have room for a jigsaw, they arent that big, no bigger than a common drill. jigsaw would be your best solution, drill a hole in corners of square that you have pre markes on the panel board and just jigsaw or utility knife it

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
hm well it was that panelwood shit or whatever and i improvezed haha i forgot about that board and got some normal cardboard for easier workability
so i just cut a cardboard to fit the spot and now i am about to cut out the holes for fans. not sure if i should use one intake and one outtake or 2 outtake and one intake


Well-Known Member
Just put some muscle into it. I used a pocket knife to cut a hole through my closet door for my fan. To start a hole hammer the knife into the cardboard. It takes some time to finish, but if all you got is a knife it works.