Thief proofing the garden


Well-Known Member
Lets face it here...if someone wants your plants they're probably gonna get em despite your cameras and alarms, because what really are you gonna do when they start going off? out with your baseball bat?..sure hope they don't have a gun...Oh so you'll run out gun's blazing? there's a good idea..let's have a gunfight in the backyard grow op.
thats exactly what i would do. i dont really care, if someones in my garden first there getting 95 pounds of pitt 2nd a burst of 223 shells.......private property.. means i will blow ur a$$ away:)

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
thats exactly what i would do. i dont really care, if someones in my garden first there getting 95 pounds of pitt 2nd a burst of 223 shells.......private property.. means i will blow ur a$$ away:)
lol...Is shooting people in your backyard legal in California now too?


Well-Known Member
Outdoor motion detector with a LOUD siren?

Friend of mine protects the garage where he keeps his Harley with a trip wire that fires a blank shotgun cartridge. IMHO, shame it´s not a live one !!!


Well-Known Member
man, i have to disagree on "if someone wants your plants their going to get them" statement. remember, these are lazy bastards who don't want to do the work of learning how, and then sucessfully growing their own. if you have basic defenses in place and are very vigilante, once they are originally detered from their pot stealing quest, i can't imagine they'd come back for perhaps worse treatment. here's biggest problem. many theives are bigger assholes then you would even know. if they can't get your crop, they'll call police so no body can have it. GROW YOUR OWN MOTHER-FUCKING PLANTS fuck'in assholes. man, i gotta chill out . pot theif talk always gets me seriously wound up.


Well-Known Member
Secure your fences. I plan using lattice extensions on top of my fences. If someone grabs the top to try and climb up, they'll break causing a bunch of noise. That's where the chihuahuas come in.

Motion lights, alarms. I plan to just put a tent in my backyard during mid to late flowering. Even though I'll be sleeping inside, they won't know that. Just another deterrent.