Thin leaves and curl under


New Member
Not sure what’s up I been using 20-20-20 miracle grow 1/4 strength and cal-mag In Peat with 50% vermiculite led lights at 18” away don’t know why leaves are very skinny and curling under starts at bottom of plant and slowly moving to the top

purple kush fem seeds5D4A17F5-E8FE-495D-B7FB-F95DDACCBC84.jpegCB6B4F4F-13DB-4179-BEE0-E9186DEDAC3F.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Leaves look dark and filled with an excess of nitrogen. You are well into flowering by the looks of the pics - its time to back off on N (Nitrogen) and up the K (Potassium) as well as P (Phosphorus) 20-20-20 is providing equal amounts of all - when really, N is not required in this dosage at this stage. A good flush would be a good start - change feeding to a flowering focused feed.


Well-Known Member
This looks to me like a PH crash. You're in peat, it tends to crash. Get a good PH meter and see where you're at before you start throwing stuff at it. Of course, there's alot of info missing.. temps, RH, ... but yeah.. 20 N is too much at any rate during this stage.


New Member
No not all but 75% yes I flushed with PH 6.5 water only 6 days ago I got other plants same strain same feed and they look great but still no change the buds still look good and just as big as the other plants. I going to flush tomorrow again I put 1 five gallon pail through and 5 gallon fabric pots is this a correct flush?


i’ve had the same question about flushing...about how much should i be running through the pot? is 5gallons@6.5ph through a 3gal smart pot enough? too much?? also, what kind of difference in ph should i expect between my 6.5 that went in the top and the runoff? should they be the same? any advice is much appreciated. thnx