Thin Stem... HELP!!!


Active Member
Ok guys so this is my first time growing very excited! Me and my friend are working on it... it has been a week to a week nd a half and it is pritty tall but my stem is very thing and still has only thoes 4 leaves at the top and are very tiny... any help/suggestions should I just remove it and grow a new one because i have plenty of seeds... THANKS!bongsmilie


New Member
you dont need to get rid of them! if there growing tall and thin more then likely you got your lights to high! lower your lights some so they wont be strecthin trying to reach light! the closest you can put your lights to your plant without burning the tops the better!


Active Member
Don't get rid of it. Just move the lights closer and use a fan to strengthen your stem. Be careful to not damage your plant, though.


Active Member
You should also try to get airflow straight onto the plant, the movement will make the stem grow stronger.


Well-Known Member
I had the same exact problem as you during my first grow. it was a long, red, thin stem just kind of lopped over to a side. What kind of soil r u using? and in what kind of pot is it in? as a new grower, you will most likely overwater your plants, which will slow your plant the fuck down. just give it about 100mL every day for the first few weeks and it should be happy. a fan lightly blowing on it will help the stem. the stems gonna be like "nigga what the fuck r u doin blowin at me all the god damn time, imma get my stem on swoll so you u wont b doin shit to me nigga" so when the stem is thicker, it will suck up the nutrients/water from the soil up much more effectively next time and probably even survive an overwatering every now and then.

you should add some more soil to the plant too so the stem is surrounded by soil left and right and wont lop over. if you cant get it to stick straight up now, it will stay crooked for the rest of the plants life.


Well-Known Member
Just bury it deeper without disturbing the roots be gentle! Also bring the plant closer to the light. 2-3"s should be fine for flouros or cfls:)


Active Member
OK thanks you guys are so much help im glad i asked. I am using a large plastic red pot with mirical grow soil. I dont know what kind all i know is that it makes the plant grow 2x larger or some shit. right now we have it up in a garage surrounded by a cardboard box that is wraped in tin foil... hope this will help! thnx a mill guys!


Well-Known Member
Is it warm in the garage?? Should be above 55 all the time..also you can get mylar from the dollar store :) it is the back of shiny wrapping paper not the glittery kind...i us mg soil too dont sweat it but next time mix it with some perlite and sand:) when its time for nutes start off weak then build up:)


Well-Known Member
hey widowmaker, thanks for the +rep. if u got any more questions, which im sure u do, just ask away!

oh ya and surrounding ur plant w/ tin foil isnt that great because it refelcts a lot of heat alongside the light. someone mentioned mylar- you should go with that or put it in an area thats painted white.


Active Member
im using the tin foil to keep the heat in because it gets cold in the garage at night so we run the light at night or else it would did madd quick lol...i have another question what would happen if i dont use a fan for the stem would it just stay week and limp over


Well-Known Member
im using the tin foil to keep the heat in because it gets cold in the garage at night so we run the light at night or else it would did madd quick lol...i have another question what would happen if i dont use a fan for the stem would it just stay week and limp over
well Im pretty sure the phosphorus or potassium will make the stem larger, probably just to a much lesser degree than with a fan.

another important reason for the fan is so the plant can breathe. it takes in the CO2 that is nearby the leaves and breathes out oxygen, just like we breathe in oxygen and breathe out CO2. after that, we need to make sure the oxygen is moved out of the way and more CO2 is around the leaves for it to breathe in.

keep the +reps comin :bigjoint:


Active Member
Ight thx... will the MG spray with phosphorous, potassium, and nitrogen? cuz im thinkin bout using it but i wanna make shur it wont damage/kill the plant... Lots of help so far thnx Kitten Killer and everyone else!


Well-Known Member
Ight thx... will the MG spray with phosphorous, potassium, and nitrogen? cuz im thinkin bout using it but i wanna make shur it wont damage/kill the plant... Lots of help so far thnx Kitten Killer and everyone else!
how old is your plant? you shouldn't start using nutrients of any sort until at least the 3rd week of growth, and even then the plant will tell you if it is short on nutes by the color of it's leaves. im in the 7th week of growth (3rd week of flower after 4 weeks of veg) and my plant still doesnt need any nutes. thats probably bc i have my plant a lot of soil to grow in. if you do add nutes right now, you will burn your plants (its gonna start dying)


Active Member
how old is your plant? you shouldn't start using nutrients of any sort until at least the 3rd week of growth, and even then the plant will tell you if it is short on nutes by the color of it's leaves. im in the 7th week of growth (3rd week of flower after 4 weeks of veg) and my plant still doesnt need any nutes. thats probably bc i have my plant a lot of soil to grow in. if you do add nutes right now, you will burn your plants (its gonna start dying)
Ight thx... uh heres a pic of my plant about 1 1/2 weeks old check it out nd tell me if it looks right to u


Active Member
uhh im using a soft flood light for light nd heat since it gets cold at night cuz were growing in a garage nd i live in ny still a lil cold to put outside lol


Well-Known Member
uhh im using a soft flood light for light nd heat since it gets cold at night cuz were growing in a garage nd i live in ny still a lil cold to put outside lol
an incandescent? get some cfls, the spring looking energy savers. get a couple 26w or some 40w and throw them in there