thin tall seedling


Active Member
My little 2 week old seedling is about 3 inches tall but it is so skinny. it seems nice and straight but how can I get a liitle more girth.


Well-Known Member
I would try and put them as close as you can with out burning them, make sure you have good air circulation and the humidity is fine


Well-Known Member
If you are only useing t5's get them has close has possible,this will cause the leaves to grow out and you will get a far better plant.most plants start a little leggy if the lighting is not close can either re~pot and put most of the stem under soil,this is the method i would go for or buy kebab skewers and then tie the plant up to support it but you have to be realy careful doing both methods.once the plant is made safe get a slow air flow on it this will toughen the stem.but the most important thing about plants at this age is to get them lights inces of the tops.