El Tiberon
Active Member
Why would they waste gasoline on that? Knickers aren't the most important thing in life. The gas will be used for generators. During the chaos, people will look for easy marks. You need to get real, home fry. Also, I wouldn't be hiding in my house. I'll be out in some woods waiting for dip shits like you to come along. I like me easy marks too!
So you would be alone. That is failure from beginning until end. Do you carry much food and water or ammunition or supplies to keep you warm and dry? I remember reading history of your country when the army marched against the Indios of your country. The general cook I think his name was. He was turned around by a force 1/10 his size and his men were so afraid they killed and ate their horses raw so the indios would not see their fires.
There is a reason your people do not win wars.
You are cowards and terrible fighters.