things that annoy you

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
If he is the one mowing it, why isn't he allowed to do it at his own pace in his own way? I'm sure he wouldn't turn around and tell you to move your arse because you were taking forever doing the dishes or ironing the clothes. You're doing it at your own pace and you probably have a reason for it.
I am the wife I have the authoritai!

It's not like he is going slow. He is making more work for himself. Using one arm to rock the mower back and forth. Not good.

I don't iron clothes. I do dishes at a fast pace.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I am the wife I have the authoritai!

It's not like he is going slow. He is making more work for himself. Using one arm to rock the mower back and forth. Not good.

I don't iron clothes. I do dishes at a fast pace.
Any person with 2 IQ points left to rub together should know better than to piss-off a pregnant woman. It is truly a zero sum game.

Anyone who treats smoking weed like a contest. "Mannn i blaze a 1/2oz of huge-ass nugz errry day!"

A. No you probably don't. B. Even if you do, nobody cares.


People who walk dog's in the park with legs that are no longer than 3 inches, then proceed to assume your dog is dangerous and that you are a thug.


New Member
when potroast pms me telling me to no be rude in posts,then he basically calls me a dick.
The ironic thing is only a dick would pm somebody telling them to be nice and then take a "jab" at them before they are done.
LOL what a fucking joke


Jealous People are also really annoying as are couples who get into drunken fights at BBQ's when nobody else gives a shit.


Well-Known Member
People who don't put a new roll of TP on the roller after they use the last of it.
It's simple but it bugs me, probably because it is such a menial task to screw up.


Well-Known Member
2-legged creatures annoy me, how in the hell am I supposed to do guerrilla grows with so many of them overpopulating the planet?.:lol:

Me & My friend

Well-Known Member
with every conscious moment.............annoying doesn't even begin to describe it.:o



When someone leaves a spoon in the bottom of the sink , you turn the tap on and as a result water sprays everywhere....


Active Member
Consable russell. hes this pig whos alwas fucking around here. i swear hes on my property at least once a week. i wish i could get rid of him, but that will never happen. hes always wandering/driving around the area. ive always wondered wgat the fuck he is doing. thats the mist annoying part. not knowing
hey kush. is the guy physically on the property? if your the legal caretaker/resident of the place while the owner is away, can you not ask for a warrant, request he not return without one? is he around the house or poking around the woods? have you tried just talking to him? sorry about all the ?s, just trying to help figure out wtf hes up to.


Active Member
-junk mail (digital and paper),
-gabby gilford (or something similar),
-spider mites (what is their purpose? ecologically speaking),
-government agencies that create a mandatory requirement to frequent them and only open during the hours that tax paying citizens are required to be at work,
-the other self-righteous politicians who take their own personal agendas as public will and attempt to circumvent our system of checks and balances to push through their ridiculous acts as salvation for the people,
-carnivals (why on earth would you try to put soooo many people is such a small space, i would say its like prison but the food is more dangerous and you have a higher chance of being molested at the fair),
i got more but i'm out of time.


New Member
When someone leaves a spoon in the bottom of the sink , you turn the tap on and as a result water sprays everywhere....
Out of every possible pet peve what an odd one to chose, the chances of the probability of this is kinda low lol, one would think anyway.


Active Member
Out of every possible pet peve what an odd one to chose, the chances of the probability of this is kinda low lol, one would think anyway.
lol. might be higher than you think. especially if there are kids in the house. i am a statistic.