things that show me the end is...


Well-Known Member
i'm just pointing things out that to me looks like the end is near (take it as a joke if you want).

first of the media brainwashing everyone. news gets out about small shit that makes only groupies an teenagers mad or afraid, the music is crap i say that with a passion, the remakes of everything back when i was or wasn't here what next a remake of half baked an the fashion the clothes seem to get tighter every year or six months i can't keep up with it or the new technology that doesn't improve health or teleport me to work, it just bills me for a bunch apps an games that came with the phone.

second would be fast food. remember having the choice of choosing whether to go to burger king or mcdonalds:) , well where the fuck is bk now where is anything? over six billion served an not only does the food suck the service is fucked. i asked for a 10pc mcnugget an i only got 6; another time they were stale. i can't find a taco bell close by or even wendy's an i love their chicken sandwiches.

finally, finding good weed men in the city. i stay on the south side of chicago an nowadays most guys would sell nothing but garbage, one time my friend bought weed from some dude we found out later we spent 10 bucks on SOME FUCKING GRASS:dunce:! we truly are the laziest city on america for that one (an i feel like a complete dumbass for almost smoking grass). there used to be a lot of spots to pick green up an go now muthafuckers are to malacious an shysty so basically i go up north now only to find out around there only a quarter of the good weed sellers are around with good shit.

well that's it. i'm done bitching.:cuss:


Well-Known Member
Let me get this straight: You got fucked on your cell phone plan, a $10 sack of weed, learned that fast food is absolute garbage, and this means that the end is upon us?


Well-Known Member
You found out later you bought grass? Why didnt you look at the bag? Would have saved you a lot of time.