Things This Noob (me) Learned when Cloning


So I watched a couple videos and feel I did my research when it came to cloning. A lot of the videos were short and made cloning seem as easy as adding water to instant rice. While easy after grasping a few concepts, I found my month long journey to making the perfect clone filled with ups and downs and thought I would share them here for a laugh if not a little learning for other Noobs like me.

Things I learned while cloning..:wall:
1. Never put a new clone under an HPS or MH light. Sounded like a great idea..Killed 2 that way.
2. Mist your clones with H20 and/or a good quality folliar spary...Killed 6 clones as they have no roots for 7-10 days so leaves are the only way they get water.
3. Using a grow plug or rock wool instead of soil will give you lower mortality rate..Killed 2 this way
4. Buy and Use a clean razor..Killed 2 with old rusty razor
5. Use rubbing alcahol to clean the razor before you make your 45 degree cuts. Killed one with a new but dirty razor.
6. Mist..Mist..Mist your babies 3-6 hours. Left for a few days and killed 2 more
7. Dont turn on and leave a fan blowing on them. Left one on over night and killed 1 that dried up and withered.
8. Don't leave the clones in direct sun light in a window. Killed 1 this way
9.Use a quality growth hormones not a 10 year old powder from an old friend that "Swore" it worked for his uncles, neighbors, dog. :) Killed 4 that never grew roots and finally wilted.
10. Use a quality nute for root growth and development and let it soak for 24 hrs if possible.
11. Did I mention..Mist..Mist...Mist your plants I killed more this way then any other.

Total Clone Death = 24
Knowledge Gained and Fun Learning from doing= Priceless

They are little babies so treat them like that and they will be happy.
Would love to hear anything others learned or comments..HaPPY 4.20 Eve Allbongsmilie


Active Member
Good post man wish i could hit you up with multiple +rep. I'm about to take a few clones off of a Blue Dream my friend some how drove back here with in his car from cali o_O (still a bit skeptical if its blue dream)..



Lucky man, I had a bag of that B.D. once and it kicked my ass. Hope all goes well for you! thanks for the +rep

Total Head

Well-Known Member
nice post. i also did my share of don'ts when i tried cloning. you completely covered the bases. the only thing i would reccomend to add to the success rate is some type of dome to trap humidity.


Active Member
Once you gain some experience you will learn how to prepare your clone for the rockwool. (Rem to always use gel not powder) My leaves hardly turn from the dark luscious green they started while cloning. A properly anchored clipping will draw water from the rockwool, otherwise the leaves will die off for the reason mentioned by OP. I have just now got the cloning down and have a 95% rate of sucess. Roots take 1-2 weeks to grow and are great for transplanting in 3 weeks to start veg.

I always use CFL/FL for cloning and veg. I mist my clones only once every 2-3 days.

These are the techniques that work for me.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like u need to stop cloning! Dont clone till u can follow directions! Being clean is very important!


Thanks for mentioning the dome I totally missed that on my scratch list. For some reason I wrote it down in my grow book but missed it. Another small item was 12. Cut the leaves in half to help promote root growth. Thx again Happy 4.20