Things You found Out on your own

Bug Prevention. Never skip a spray day. Neem (Cold Pressed)/ Hemp Castile Soap (peppermint)/ Rosemary Oil.

50watts per sq. Ft. minimum

You can make you own nutrients with a bit of research.
Rooting enhancer are another story but rhizo and RapidStart are great products

Bubble Cloning is really easy

Run clones of a decent Pheno hunt if you want stability and reliability

True Breeding

Save all your trim. A decent bho extraction kit cost about 500$ and after you have a large storage you could pull easily a 10% return.
Or buy bubble bags/rosin press

Get lights as close as possible.

Bud Light tastes like shit

Breed your own gear
Autos are getting better
SOILESS is the way to go.

Love hempy grows
Powdered Nutes ( longer shelf life )

Papa johns pizza sucks ass
Quantum Boards are killing it

Honey and aloe Vera are good clone dips .

When camping ... never use a rock to wipe your ass.
What I learned growing weed in Coco Coir:

-I didn't need to buy anything other than a cup to clone in the summer. Cutting + Cup + Summer/spring conditions + Water + Windowsill = Clones in a week or 2. Had great success with 12 cuts that rooted and I took the better looking clones and now I have a grow going currently with only Clones from my first grow.

- Watering Coco everyday has been a joy so far. I need to learn about irrigation in case this changes...

- Putting germinated seeds straight into a coco coir pot is doable if you don't want to transplant from a smaller container for your first go at growing.

- Smoking and mixing nutrients can cause you to forget what your doing.

- Smoking and then tending to the garden can lead to clumsy hands or decisions you wish you could hit ctrl-z on, like trying to pluck a fan leaf when you actually have a small branch between your fingers.

- Smoking and watering can lead me to having to double check if I watered the right pot.

- Smoking and then working on my scrog has taught me that I will sit for hours ruining my eyes under very bright lights as I watch and tend to my plants. I then realize that I've been sitting with my plants and watching for hours rather than tucking.

- Smoking and then gardening has become a bit of a struggle because sometimes, I fall asleep and end up not giving a second watering due to my bad planning.

- So I should be learning that I need to go easy on the smoke if i'm going to tend to my plants.

- I also learned that you shouldn't take much of anything online as facts until your able to do your own fact based research and that internet forum life is reflecting society or is that vice versa? I could just be a cynic.

- I also learned that forums can be helpful when you double and triple check what people are spreading as information and are a great source of entertainment.
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I've learned that cannabis cultivation is just like parenting;
You can provide them with enough nutrients,
you can try to create an ideal ecology,
you can make sure they get enough rest,
but at some time, you are just going to have to trust the plant itself, to grow into a fine lady.
The more you spoil your plant, the less she will produce on her own.
BIGGEST THING I TAUGHT MYSELF: Learn to talk to plants and speak their language.

Always have a spare timer or a spare water pump.
When bugs come you only need to kill them once.
Don't be afraid to use chlorine bleach.
It is really easy to overwater or underwater and plants adjust how much they drink based on the growth stage they are in.
Make backups of your backups.
I've learned that just because someone is right, doesn't mean that someone else is wrong.
Blue and red led's will grow decent bud,as will CFL. But cmh are just as cheap, and blow everything else I've used out of the water.
Always trust others. Trust them to run their mouths, expecially if their ass is on the line.
Trust them to screw you over if they can.
The only thing that you can learn from YouTube ( for the most part ) is how to hit a bong. No matter what the video title is.
Either buy cloning gel,or make it from willow bark, my wife loves her aloe Vera as much as I love my plants and gets pretty pissed when I keep breaking off pieces.
That mj is a very unique plant, and like most ladies, enjoys being played with and finger'd before getting fucked. So spend time with her.
Any dirt in your grow room, is a dirty grow room. Keep it clean.
And lastly, plants don't enjoy nute's as much as manufacturer's enjoy selling it to you.
here's a real one, it's a good idea to feel how strong stems are before you start lst'ing, and if you work in very small steps, you can bend the hell out of most stems by making very small bends, using the fat part of your thumb to support the area from behind.
Bud Light tastes like shit

Breed your own gear
Autos are getting better
SOILESS is the way to go.

Love hempy grows
Powdered Nutes ( longer shelf life )

Papa johns pizza sucks ass
Quantum Boards are killing it

Honey and aloe Vera are good clone dips .

When camping ... never use a rock to wipe your ass.
A smooth rock will work fine.
I learned water can freeze in the collection tray of a window shaker to the point of freezing the fan blade and causing ac failure if not addressed.
I learned if you provide too much free gifts along with orders legal patients will order less frequently most often.
and use HomeAdvisor if you cant diy
and perpetually flowering means you work hard all the time, your grow space smells strongly all the time , messy more often too