think I could pull a decent yield?


Active Member
Im planning on starting a sog. I have 1 ltr smart pots and enough space in my tent for 25 of them with a bit of breathing room under 600w hps. If I clone n veg for about a week or 2 could I pull a decent yield? I kno it varies from strain to strain (im growing a couple) and I could obviously benefit from bigger pots/longer veg. But I was just wondering what u think I might be able to pull per plant.ive tried looking it up n ive seen everything from 7gs (I hope im a better grower than that) to 2 oz. In a 1 ltr pot with minimal veg I kno has to be an exaggeration or wet weight but a guy can dream lol


Well-Known Member
A week or 2 veg should be perfect.

id say a half oz per plant is a fair medium estimate. Givin you about 12-15 zips. Ive done 8 under a 600w in 3L pots and got about 14 oz and they werent known for yield really.

You could pull a zip or more if you had all the same strain from clone and had the nutes dialed in and a really nice environment so they thrived perfectly.


Active Member
Thats what I was hoping for, I kno I have more to learn but im pretty comfortable in my grow area now. I got a couple higher yielding n some lower yeilding strains so im hoping to find some middle ground.


Active Member
I am using A 5x5 tent with one 1000jibbawatt light veg for 30 flower for 60 andfit 36 each 3 Hal pots and pull 40+ oz most every time check out my pics and grow journalp