Think i mite have spider mites

Check the leaves really well. Spider mites leave bites on the leaves. They look like (the bite marks) white dots all over the top of the leaf. Then youll see their eggs and themselves crawling under the leaf where they lay eggs and live. When you see webs from mites usually there will be a colony of mites crawling all over the webs. Hopefully its just a spider and not spider mites.
Well the plant came out of a cabinet i have in the basement and there was an actual spider in there lol I guess maybe he could have done it...anyway i sprayed it with just water and knocked the couple of webs off i guess if they come back i know I have a problem
just cut a leaf off and put it under good lighting. you can see them w\out a scope if you look close.grab the leaf that is poorest looking from deep in the plant, cut it, flip it over and watch for movement. basements are big on s mites.
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