Think My Neighbor Is Growing

oOBe RyeOo

Active Member
So, I think my neighbor is growing in his garage. He built this room out of temporary studs (aluminum studs) and put some kind of cocking in the corners that expanded through to the other side of the wall. He put in a side door to his garage. He also just recently put in his second external a/c by the looks of it lead straight into his room he built. He hardly ever has his kids outside... been living here for 5 years and just found out this summer they have a dog (they pay a dog walker to walk their dog) when the dog walker brought them their dog back and they paid the walker.

What are your guys thoughts?

Just really odd behavior...

trichlone fiend

New Member
So, I think my neighbor is growing in his garage. He built this room out of temporary studs (aluminum studs) and put some kind of cocking in the corners that expanded through to the other side of the wall. He put in a side door to his garage. He also just recently put in his second external a/c by the looks of it lead straight into his room he built. He hardly ever has his kids outside... been living here for 5 years and just found out this summer they have a dog (they pay a dog walker to walk their dog) when the dog walker brought them their dog back and they paid the walker.

What are your guys thoughts?

Just really odd behavior...

...what are you upto for you to suspect him?
...ever notice how a thief always suspects other people of being a thief? ...kind'a the same thing.

oOBe RyeOo

Active Member
How do you just find out they have a dog while already knowing what hes working on in his garage?
I know it's weird, he never lets the dog out to play or do his business unless they have the dog walker come and get the dog. Which I hardly ever see.

...what are you upto for you to suspect him?
...ever notice how a thief always suspects other people of being a thief? ...kind'a the same thing.
Just odd people. I only have a cabinet but he has a whole garage. The room in his garage is so big that he keeps his lawn mower on the side of his house along with kids toys in his driveway.


Undercover Mod
Why don't you mind your own business? I'm sure you don't like it when people got their nose in your shit.

oOBe RyeOo

Active Member


Well-Known Member
I know what your saying man. My neighbor grows, Has a room in his garage with a side door and everything just like you said. A huge carbon filter was just sitting on out on our sideyard.(We share about 7 feet) Ive seen plants in his outdoor plants and everything. I dont try to take a peak here and there cause i want to scope his shit out to steal it, its cause im curious. Ive even seen him peepin out his window while i was in my garden. Every now and then when we run across each other we say little remarks like "Damn sun sure is bright today,Our roses must be lovin it(Both have rose bushes in our yard.

Ive always wanted to just come out and ask to see his setup, But i think its better off to just keep on with the little remarks here and there.

One time i was hitting my bong outside at like 11:30pm Took a fat rip blew it in the sky, Then about 5 seconds later i hear him take a rip from a bong or bubbler.

oOBe RyeOo

Active Member
I know what your saying man. My neighbor grows, Has a room in his garage with a side door and everything just like you said. A huge carbon filter was just sitting on out on our sideyard.(We share about 7 feet) Ive seen plants in his outdoor plants and everything. I dont try to take a peak here and there cause i want to scope his shit out to steal it, its cause im curious. Ive even seen him peepin out his window while i was in my garden. Every now and then when we run across each other we say little remarks like "Damn sun sure is bright today,Our roses must be lovin it(Both have rose bushes in our yard.

Ive always wanted to just come out and ask to see his setup, But i think its better off to just keep on with the little remarks here and there.

One time i was hitting my bong outside at like 11:30pm Took a fat rip blew it in the sky, Then about 5 seconds later i hear him take a rip from a bong or bubbler.
That's funny! Yeah my neighbor is a dick though. Doesn't take care of his yard and definitely doesn't have any rose bushes. I'm constantly trying to fight weeds that he just lets grow as if he had grass.