thinkin of quitting weed


Well-Known Member
for atleast for like 6 months, it sucks cuz im a pothead, my favorite thing to do is just chill with my friends and burn it down. EVERY 1 i chill with smokes so it will be hard as fuck. like sometimes i wont smoke for like a day or 2 and i wanna smoke, but im not like fiending. but as soon as some1 asks if i wanna smoke im like yea. thats rare tho, i usualy smoke atleast a blunt or 2 aday. sometimes like 4 maybe 5, way 2 much

i dont wanna quit but i got no motivation when i smoke. plus not smoking will open so many job oppertunities . honestly im 18 and cant even get a fuckin job stockin shelves at target or like home depot. plus i gotta do some sort of extra schooling, fuck making 8 bucks an hour my whole life.

the only real down side to quitting is my plants will be done in less than a month, and i started a new batch on the 5th. i wont even be able to smoke the first plants ive ever grown personaly

fuck it tho i got the rest of my life to smoke


Well-Known Member
Just think of it this way when you do start to smoke again you'll have some nicley cured buds.


Well-Known Member
Well, if thats the way you feel then maybe you should stop for awhile. At 18 you have enough things to worry about as far as setting a course for your life. And at 18 I hope you do not think you deserve to be making 50k a year. You have to pay your dues, educate yourself and always keep your goals obtainable and in focus at all times.Stocking shelves at 18 is not so bad at your age, every one starts at the bottom, the problem is some people have no motivation and they stay at the bottom for the rest of their life. Your future is up to you, the world does not owe you or anyone else anything, if you want something you have to go get it yourself, its not going to come to you. I am happy to see that you at least realize where you are at in your life, there may be hope for the future after all.

You could cut back and still do what needs to be done, but that is a call you have to make. There is nothing wrong with not smoking. Get yourself established in this bitch of a world we live in, there is plenty of time for smoking later, and you will see as you get older how your habits will change any way. And you will be able to afford it which is nice if you stay on the correct path. Good luck!!!
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Well-Known Member
Keepin' ya down? Not gettin' sh*t done?
Go for the early, cloudy harvest . . . stay away from the amber narco-coma weed.
I didn't get squat done for decades . . . then I realized I could control much of my weeds effects.
Feelin' great, gettin' stuff done and more importantly, not feelin' guilty about not getting anything done. This latest harvest is super high-quality weed, harvested cloudy w/a few clear and even fewer amber . . . 1-2 hit weed that I'd smoke before work, IF I worked.
You're young and have a lifetime of possibly mindless rote work to do yet. Don't think so much.
Find something you love to do, then figure out a way to get paid for doing it.


Well-Known Member
Keep smoking kid because right now there really aren't that many jobs to be had anyway.I really hate to piss on your parade but quitting isn't going to help you,just sober you up so you can see how bad the rat race truly sucks.:cry:


Well-Known Member
Keep smoking kid because right now there really aren't that many jobs to be had anyway.I really hate to piss on your parade but quitting isn't going to help you,just sober you up so you can see how bad the rat race truly sucks.:cry:
im going to have to rep you for that.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Gawd, you're 18! Party a couple of years, go minimum wage, and save a little. Worry when you turn 21.I wish I was 18 again...I would smoke even more than I did.Live.Don't be thirty and looking back and saying, Oh man, I shoulda had more fun. Enjoy your youth.Be free a while.