goodro wilson
Well-Known Member
I want to start a screened in partially fenced garden next year but my yard is visible from street
The fencing shouldnt arouse any.suspiciom tho bc I live in deer land
But neighbors lights and size issues I think autos are the way to go
Ill grow tomatoes peppers of all kinds and lots of other stuff but wht autos should I throw next to some.tomato cages?
I know spme hate on autos but I dont need giant plants n lbs on lbs
Plus the lightimg issues mke me think autos would worl nc the big atreet light wouldnt bother them
Also here u can grow up until december so I could harvest 4 maybe 5 times
So any reccomendations or advice
I was leanimg towards critical+auto brom big budda only bc its the boggest yielding auto iv run which only got a half from cfls and ive only tried dieselryder and bubblicious auto
The fencing shouldnt arouse any.suspiciom tho bc I live in deer land
But neighbors lights and size issues I think autos are the way to go
Ill grow tomatoes peppers of all kinds and lots of other stuff but wht autos should I throw next to some.tomato cages?
I know spme hate on autos but I dont need giant plants n lbs on lbs
Plus the lightimg issues mke me think autos would worl nc the big atreet light wouldnt bother them
Also here u can grow up until december so I could harvest 4 maybe 5 times
So any reccomendations or advice
I was leanimg towards critical+auto brom big budda only bc its the boggest yielding auto iv run which only got a half from cfls and ive only tried dieselryder and bubblicious auto