We've been told by plenty of politicians what they think of not only this law, but what they think of those of
us who have enrolled in the program. We who have been stereotyped as money grubbing drug crazed criminals,
or potheads just looking to legally get high.
How us pothead zombies pulled the wool over millions of eyes, at the expense of the sick.
So complete in our ruse, it would make the most successful pharmaceutical drug rep weep with envy.
At least that's what a minor minority in the minority are telling those "representatives" who oppose any form of marijuana,
and whos ears are more than willing to listen to those paniced cries of a doomed Michigan.
Wouldn't it be easier to just vote the unrepresenting politicians out of office.
We all see how well they've represented a 63% majority, by hiding behind ordinances and moratoriums.
Fortunately for us voters, a 63% vote for "the other candidate" can't be as easily ignored.
I'd rather hear them whine how a bunch of pothead zombies were able to change the face of politics
in Michigan.
It's time to go after the many heads of this political snake.
In our stereotypical peaceful, nonviolent, very mellow and far out way. Of course.