Thinking of cloning a clone by basically chopping it in half...yay or nay?

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
Hey there

My clones are getting too big for my "cloning area" (well, bin with a lid).

They've got 6-7 nodes now and they're getting too tall - I WAS thinking of cloning them again, but the main issue right now is their size...I topped one of them (first-time experiment) a couple of weeks ago to stop it getting taller and for the branches to fatten up/become ready to clone...but the other one is getting a bit too big now...actually starting to wish I'd topped them both!

Hows about I basically clone the top half of the plant? Could it work or would it just kill her?

I've been having the lights on 24/7 - got a feeling they'll suddenly put on a spurt when I put them under the main light (18/6, actually introducing them to "darkness")...if its the side-branches though I'll be happy so long as they don't get a helluva lot taller or else I'll run out of height again...

Any advice? I can't move them anywhere and I dunno if I can get anyone with more space to take care of them...


Active Member
that won't kill the plant... it will continue to thrive. however, you're never gonna get that oversized cutting to root. it will take literally months for it build a big enough root system from scratch, which is plenty of time for something to go wrong. no, don't cut the plant in half - you want to cut off branches for cloning. tops don't root as easily because they need a bigger root system to start growing, especially if it's more than a single node...

get what i mean? if you put half a hacked plant in the ground, it's not gonna have any root system to sustain the foliage it has (as with all clones). which means it needs to build one big enough to do so (small clones = no problem doing this). it would need a loooot of misting, and high humidity, would take a loooong time, and, not to be a pessimist, just a realist, would most likely shrivel up within 3 weeks or so.

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
Maybe I am misreading something... Do these too tall clones have a root system? If so sounds to me like a plant ready for a more permanent home in your choice of grow medium, and some good old fashioned vegetative growth. And if Height is an issue from here on out, LST might be the way to go.

As for cloning the main tip... you might look into Air Root cloning. In Air Root cloning, the mother plant IS your clone machine... and you dont cut the clone off until it has a root system. Here is a thread I started, and I am experimenting right now. >> <<


Active Member
Yeah I was going to suggest the air cloning thing. I am almost there with my first attempt ( can see root tips starting to form ) and have developed a system for doing it that is extremely easy. I'll post a thread on my technique as soon as I have completed experiment.