Thinking of selling..helpful hints??


Active Member
obviously i want to be safe. do you guys have any helpful hints on how to avoid getting busted? my main concern is to have a way to tell if a new customer is a cop or not. How do you guys tell? Anything you do to prove they arent undercover cops?


Active Member
Smoke a joint with them. If they wont smoke some in front of you but they're buying it, more times than not, its a pig!


Have one of your close friends do the transactions. Make sure only one person knows what your doing. If its your boy they wont rat you out. It may take a bit longer to sell but it will be worth it in the long run. That's what I am doing.


Active Member
Be about your business. Only sell to people you trust and let them pick up product for their friends until you have a reason to trust them.


Well-Known Member
there was an episode of manswers that had all the telltale signs of a cop buying from you, try to find that on youtube or sumthin.

newbie grow420

Active Member
Smoke a joint with them. If they wont smoke some in front of you but they're buying it, more times than not, its a pig!
Dont smoke a joint with them cops can fake that shit. Make em take a hit off the bong they can't hide that shit. Also if you want customers use your friends or co workers that smoke hang out with them before you let them know you can get them weed not that you sell but you can get it if they need like a middleman. Watch out for idiot potheads i.e. Young never busted loud mouth potheads. People that have never been busted usually are sloppy. With shit like riding with a joint in the ashtray or hotboxing the car while driving around shit like that. I'm not saying that when young everybodys probably been guilty of this shit I have but now hell no. When you live in a non medical state you have to be safe not stupid otherwise jail probation fines the usaul crap. Weed wont make you rich unless you take on a bigger risk so thats up to you. You can keep it small still make some dough and not have to sweat a felony. Thats if your just buying from a dealer to be a dealer. Most illegal states simple possesion is still between 300 and 1000 dollars worth of product that you can have in one bag and its only a misdemenor. Its risk vs reward. Now if your growing fuck making new customers. Find some one to be a broker of sorts you give him your harvest. Make it a 1 time sell when you harvest and they do all the leg work but make more of the profit but you have very little risk involved like everyone knowing your name because dealer names get said alot. So either way be smart know when to get out of the game and be able to do so fast. I save myself alot of jailtime by getting out and getting out fast.


Well-Known Member
idk about all the other states but where i live cops can do anything to make a case. witch means they can smoke as much weed as they need to as long as it leads to an arrest. dont talk on the phone, as soon as you hear a weird crackle or popping noise throw that phone away and never use it again. dont sell to kids, if they get busted they will rat you out quick. keep ur customers happy so you dont get robbed. dont ever let anybody know how much you really have, make em tell you how much $$ they got first. if they ask how much do u got all together?? it most likely they wanna see if its worth robbing you or not. and #1 rule of selling, friends and family are ALWAYS the ones to fuck you over, think wut you want but dont be surprosed when ur bro jacks you or a friend snitches you out to keep his ass safe. and to be safe, dont say u wanna start sellin on websites :P haha


Well-Known Member
If they buyers say they know you through a friend.. Make sure you friend knoes them and you trust your friend. If something seems sketchy it probly is. Dont bring weed when you go to meet someone you dont know


Well-Known Member
dont meet anybody you dont know, get a few kids and give em a fatty nug everytime they deliver a bag for you.


Active Member
Leave kids out of it. Everyone I know has a strict 18 and over policy. I'm not saying I haven't made mistakes but I'm not saying what they were either (never give up your 5th Amendment right). I'm just saying that it's best to not get yourself involved in contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Also keep in mind that if you use "retail outlets" you're going to have to be able to enforce an extremely strict no-theft policy or you'll get robbed blind. That usually means a realistic threat of violence.


Well-Known Member
Here's great advice a LAWYER gave me after i got busted for intent. After he realized i didn't have enough money to pay him for his initial visit he said "Look kid. get your shit together. Any drug dealer who is any good at what they do is saves money for their lawyer" the guy who referred him to me had 8 raids. 0 convictions. THAT IS GOOD BIT OF ADVICE IF YOU PLAN ON MAKING REAL MONEY. KNOW A GOOD LAWYER.


Well-Known Member
Here's great advice a LAWYER gave me after i got busted for intent. After he realized i didn't have enough money to pay him for his initial visit he said "Look kid. get your shit together. Any drug dealer who is any good at what they do is saves money for their lawyer" the guy who referred him to me had 8 raids. 0 convictions. THAT IS GOOD BIT OF ADVICE IF YOU PLAN ON MAKING REAL MONEY. KNOW A GOOD LAWYER.
So true, best advice yet. +
don't get too greedy and only sell to people you know. selling too much can equal a felony, so just try to make a couple extra thousand a year.


Active Member
thanks guys, very helpful. my problem is very few of my friends smoke, and one that does is very unreliable to say the least. I'm not a pro poping it out by the pound. just wanted to make a lil extra on the side.


Active Member
i've thought it over and decided not to sell. its not worth the risk for such a small reward. thanks for the advice!