Third eye meditation vs shrooms

New Age United

Well-Known Member
Speaking of phychosis, i dropped acid a few months back. pure liquid form (not on blottor paper) with a few friends, they said I had multiple personalities. I literally felt like I was in a simulation, everything felt connected. I could feel everything! walls, plants, dirt on the floor. Not specifically dirt, but hopefully you understand what I mean. Called the Matrix trip apparently?

Havent done any physchedelics since, I'm scared af from that shit! For a week straight after taking it, i was having existential crisis' moments everyday.
Yes I've experienced what seems to be multiple personalities on acid and my buddy Tyler has told me about this as well. Split personality is actually science fiction there are no real life cases of multiple personalities in one person. However you may notice that your personality changes depending on who you are interacting with, your personality may be very friendly to your best friend and very hostile towards your worst enemy, you have moods and your mood greatly affects your personality and can bring sudden and dramatic changes to it. This is of course amplified on lsd and so you mistake sudden changes in mood as a complete change in personality which gives rise to the illusion of multiple personalities, but multiple egos with separate identities has never been proven to exist.


Well-Known Member
Yes I've experienced what seems to be multiple personalities on acid and my buddy Tyler has told me about this as well. Split personality is actually science fiction there are no real life cases of multiple personalities in one person. However you may notice that your personality changes depending on who you are interacting with, your personality may be very friendly to your best friend and very hostile towards your worst enemy, you have moods and your mood greatly affects your personality and can bring sudden and dramatic changes to it. This is of course amplified on lsd and so you mistake sudden changes in mood as a complete change in personality which gives rise to the illusion of multiple personalities, but multiple egos with separate identities has never been proven to exist.
Alright, thanks for clearing that up for me dude! Hope I don't suffer in the long run, feel like I've triggered something tho...

If I ever do it again, I'm gunna make sure I'm in the right setting. The day I took my head wasn't in the right place either.


Well-Known Member
Alright, thanks for clearing that up for me dude! Hope I don't suffer in the long run, feel like I've triggered something tho...

If I ever do it again, I'm gunna make sure I'm in the right setting. The day I took my head wasn't in the right place either.
I understand. It gave you a gift in a sense. It should you that under certain circumstances. Certain things can come forth. Things that you usually keep in check but are still within you. Helps to give you a better understanding of others and their own struggles and accomplishments. You also realize that you could "Hulk out" if need be.


Well-Known Member
I think the experience i've haded was a psychosis like but i was not paranoid or something, i was normal but i was scareed i willl loose my shit


Well-Known Member
I think the experience i've haded was a psychosis like but i was not paranoid or something, i was normal but i was scareed i willl loose my shit
Lol. Sorry. It sounded funny. You under your blanky. With just your eyes poking out. Going. "Whooo scared." hee hee.