well, here's some pics. I don't know that it's the same problem, but it looks pretty similar. I had it about a week and a half ago, but it went away then a few days ago it returned with a vengeance, now on 3 plants instead of 1.
The first 2 pics are of the plant that hasn't begun flowering yet, it is the newest victim and shows how this thing progresses. It begins with some small brown (sometimes copper colored) spots, then they get bigger and darker until the leaf dries out and curls up.
The second 2 pics are of the second plant affected. This plant is in flower. However, you can see from the last pic that the bud production hasn't seemed to be affected. in the background in the last pic is the first plant which had it the first time it came around. It's pretty much the same on all the plants.
Anyway thanks for helping, how did you deal with your problem?