Well-Known Member
Harry reid has a long way to go before he ranks up there with the likes of the republicans.yeah the house of representatives is fucking up, but that's nothing new.
but we need Chipoltleway to get the bloodstains out of our underpants after the Harry Reid Senate's incredible fail.
or did you forget that DEMS run the senate, and the senate is the other half of the congress?
Would make more sense if they weren't voting down bills their own party drafted.I don't get it.
Obama is a strong ideological guy. That ideology is pretty much 180 degrees from what most Republicans believe. So it is their duty to get as little done as possible, is it not?
They know they can't do what they want to, the opposite party has the other house, and the white house, so the only thing they can do is keep the other side from doing it's agenda.
In fact, the measure of their success could be said to be how few new pieces of legislation gets done.
And Democrats are equally reluctant to pass legislation when it is Republican legislation.
It's called dyslexia, it sucks and I actually edited that tiny post 3 times. "Hey I may be a little slow but I'm not the one that's lost" -Fred FlinstoneWhat's a maroon is it like someone who edits a post that small^^^?