This id F&*%ing Bu%*S*^t


Well-Known Member
SOMEONE PICKED MY PLANT AND LEFT IT LAYING RIGHT NEXT TO THE POT.... i got so pissd when i seen wat had hapen so i started putting it bak in the soil as fast as i could and i dont know if my baby is gunna live becuz she was out of the soil for maybe 2 hours ... i put her bak in and watered my baby now shes out in the sun gettting plenty of sunlight but will she live??? anyone i would really like to know :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

trailer park guy

Well-Known Member
It's pretty hardy stuff, I'ld say you have a pretty good chance. If you're into flower I think it will be a little tougher.
This is what I know from working with other plants, so don't me to that info.
Good Luck:blsmoke:


Active Member
i would treat it like a clone. sunlight will dryout the leaves and it will die. can you reattach it with tape real tight? this seems like the only possiblity to me. i've done this before with limbs and they reattach just fine. sorry to hear, i almost think it may happen again if they see it. best of luck!


Well-Known Member
i think u guys mis understood someone picked my plant WHOLE root and all from the soil but imma go ahead and go with trailer park guys' idea i really hope it works

BTW my plant was only 1 month and a couple days old does that make any difference in the survival chance????????>

trailer park guy

Well-Known Member
If it's still in veg, I think it has a good chance if the root ball is still intact. Just repot the thing an let it grow:mrgreen:


Asshole Patrol
Wow... It suprises me on one hand, but on the other hand I think we all have to admit that there are people with a little less etiquette than others. Sorry to hear that.

How did the roots look when you repotted her? Beat up? Soil Loose?? Any signs of wilting?

I would say you have a chance of it coming back... Just keep a close eye on it, and keep us posted here as to what's happening. Chances are that someone here can help nurse it back if you can supply descriptive info.

Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
yeah i repotted her. No her root didnt look beat up just a lil soil loose and a maybe a lil tiny bit of wilting... and damn her leafs are drooping BADLY


Well-Known Member
it is easier to nurse a sick clone back, however a whole plant will go into severe shock and usually will die very rapidly


Well-Known Member
man this fukkin sux if she dies..... this is my very first grow and i was hoping to get alot farther on it. damn i gott get high now, but still gotta keep a close eye on her:?:?:?


Well-Known Member
i think its safe to say.... my plants are dying white spots and popping up on all the leafs .... still drooping and no sing of improvment... imma give them till the end of the day or until i notice there dead.... so much for a happy first grow.....


Well-Known Member
on my bak proch.. but tall is good now its the next day and there coming bak to life the leafs arent drooping anymore and coming bak straight up but the 3 bottom leafs all curled up and died but the top set are doin fine. So im glad i didnt throw them away hoping they should be fine


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
are u over the age of 18 and still live with parents or are u lying to us in overall spectrum. Get it off back porch


Well-Known Member
yeah im 19 in college juss that i live in the US and ive gotten caught with ganja by the police befor. and they said that one was a warning and gave me a ticket for possesion and told me next time i would get throw in jail and my mom dont want me goin to jail becuz of college so she plucked it. and no its not on the back porch im waiting till the leafs get to normal because there still firming up