This is a male right? (Pics)


Well-Known Member
can someone confirm that this is a male?
this is my first time seeing one so I just want confirmation that it is before I chop it.



Well-Known Member
I think you knew before you posted, sucks though man. feel for ya
Yeah I was pretty darn sure that it was, but like I said, I don't have any prev experience with males so I just wanted to double check first. Thank you all +rep


Well-Known Member
dont blame you one bit. before you cut it down. you might want to consider putting it outside or somewhere else. those seeds come in handy


Well-Known Member
can someone confirm that this is a male?
this is my first time seeing one so I just want confirmation that it is before I chop it.

it has the dreaded ballies!! wait til ya get that, but with female looking bits! i have a knack for making hermies lol

Active Member
Huh? Male plants don't grow seeds. Male plants have pollen sacks that release pollen. Female plants produce resin to catch the pollen in the air so seeds can develop when the plant buds.


Well-Known Member
Male plant is Blue cheese
Blue Cheese
[Big Buddha Seeds]

Indica 80 / Sativa 20
Origins - Blueberry clones x Big Buddha Cheese
Flowering - 63 days
Harvest - Early October

some other cuts I have going are:
Purple kush
Casey Jones

Would either of these be good to cross with blue cheese to make seeds?
And will I be safe keeping the Male outside? or can pollen get through the ventilation etc? (most vent air is cumming in through my roof, I have a roof mounted swamp cooler)