THIS IS A POLL! Joints Vs Bongs


New Member
the paper tastes like shit even the flavored ones you gotta go wraps, phillies, duchies, G vegas, white owl, swishers, something other than a paper
You must be smoking some shit bud... when i spark up a spliff all i taste is the weed I've put in it. Plus I use silvers, you can actually see the bud you're smoking. rizla are made from hemp.


Well-Known Member
Bongs IMO are only good if you hit them fast. The reason why their good is because the bigger hit can get you higher (atleast from what I've experienced) and with joints, which I prefer, give you freshly burned smoke but small hits. If you leave the smoke inside the chamber of a bong too long it gets stale and less potent. A lot of the cannabinoids will stick to the chamber wall. Whereas with a joint the smoke is taken in immediatly and is potent at the most. Pipes are okay but the flame combusts the weed too quickly so you some times don't get the most out of your bag. (same with the bowls of bongs) But with a joint, the end is lit all the time. It is hot enough to combust the weed slowly without actually combusting into a flame. And that is why joints are better. Slow combustion and fresh smoke are the way to go.

My opinion on vaporizers: They turn only the thc into vapor and not the other cannabinoids. Their good if you don't want to get caught but THC isn't the only cannabinoid that gets you high. They all act together to make the high. With vaporizers, I only feel really relaxed. So I wouldn't recommend vaporizers ever.


Well-Known Member
i like blunts but theyre not on here so i say joints. i like my vaporizor. but when i go somewhere ect i will smoke a joint/blunt easier to hide no parafilnia. also

all you guys who cruise and smoke.. please dont keep your roaches. please do that for me. thats how cops send you to jail ect dui


New Member
Bongs IMO are only good if you hit them fast. The reason why their good is because the bigger hit can get you higher (atleast from what I've experienced) and with joints, which I prefer, give you freshly burned smoke but small hits. If you leave the smoke inside the chamber of a bong too long it gets stale and less potent. A lot of the cannabinoids will stick to the chamber wall. Whereas with a joint the smoke is taken in immediatly and is potent at the most. Pipes are okay but the flame combusts the weed too quickly so you some times don't get the most out of your bag. (same with the bowls of bongs) But with a joint, the end is lit all the time. It is hot enough to combust the weed slowly without actually combusting into a flame. And that is why joints are better. Slow combustion and fresh smoke are the way to go.

My opinion on vaporizers: They turn only the thc into vapor and not the other cannabinoids. Their good if you don't want to get caught but THC isn't the only cannabinoid that gets you high. They all act together to make the high. With vaporizers, I only feel really relaxed. So I wouldn't recommend vaporizers ever.
I agree with this whole post. Very well put. My only niggle is the vaporisers. I've read that they burn only the cannabinoids, i took this to mean all of them. THC is shit on it's own, it needs cbd definitely. Maybe it's more like the other way round but they compliment each other perfectly. THCV, another big boy, and predominant IMO in all the best plants.


Well-Known Member
Yeah Cali :mrgreen: im all about the blunts i salute you ( tilts head and raises his blunt).
was trying to keep the post as general as possible see what ppl are all about get some great posts eg. vermilion's post, thanks to everyone who has jointed this post so far a salute is in order for all the bong smokers ill smoke a cone to the to those who roll it puff puff .


Well-Known Member
I think Bong hits are waaay better than smoking a joint... it doesn't take as much weed as a joint, it's nice and cooled down, and it just gets you blitzed! you guys were talking about how a bong is dirty and gross? well, the way I see it is with a joint, all the smoke passes through the unburnt weed, and that pretty much collects just as much as a bong (but it sure makes the roach nice and dank!!!)... I hate smoking a joint w/more than 2 people cause it only lasts maybe 2 or 3 times around... but w/ a bong you can load personals and save weed and get way more ripped! mmm.... I just got off work and I think I'm gonna go smoke now..... o yeah, and the smoke won't get stale in the bong if you have good enough lungs to clear it!


New Member
I think Bong hits are waaay better than smoking a joint... it doesn't take as much weed as a joint, it's nice and cooled down, and it just gets you blitzed! you guys were talking about how a bong is dirty and gross? well, the way I see it is with a joint, all the smoke passes through the unburnt weed, and that pretty much collects just as much as a bong (but it sure makes the roach nice and dank!!!)... I hate smoking a joint w/more than 2 people cause it only lasts maybe 2 or 3 times around... but w/ a bong you can load personals and save weed and get way more ripped! mmm.... I just got off work and I think I'm gonna go smoke now..... o yeah, and the smoke won't get stale in the bong if you have good enough lungs to clear it!

Fair enough. each to their own. In my country spliffs are the norm.


Well-Known Member
Depends on whats going on. If im sitting around by myself its usually the pipe or bong. Then i can just throw in however much i want and light it up. if there a couple of people around then ill roll a joint. I just find it more relaxing. Sitting around and passing a joint around. Just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
Depends on whats going on. If im sitting around by myself its usually the pipe or bong. Then i can just throw in however much i want and light it up. if there a couple of people around then ill roll a joint. I just find it more relaxing. Sitting around and passing a joint around. Just my 2 cents.
well put mate cheers for you imput


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I find how i want to smoke really depends on whats all going on. I know im not gonna haul ot my pipe if there a 4-5 people around. It would never make it all the way around. Roll up a big fattie though and your ready to rip. Oh yeah and gotta pre rool some joint before any long drive. Hate trying to roll a joint during rush hour trafic.


Well-Known Member
i like blunts better than joints. i LOVE blunts. they burn so slowly, but its expensive to buy cigars and waste all the precious tobacco. my favorite about them is that if its fat and long enough, the resin from the smoke covers the unburnt weed in the middle making it burn even slooooooower. i always enjoy a nice blunt. joints with the thin paper just burn way too fast.


Well-Known Member
i like blunts better than joints. i LOVE blunts. they burn so slowly, but its expensive to buy cigars and waste all the precious tobacco. my favorite about them is that if its fat and long enough, the resin from the smoke covers the unburnt weed in the middle making it burn even slooooooower. i always enjoy a nice blunt. joints with the thin paper just burn way too fast.
:bigjoint:do you like getting the blunt wraps or cut up cigars? what are your pros and cons of each