This is for new growers.


Well-Known Member
This Farmers Daughter was in a 1 gallon pot and started becoming phosphorus deficient in early flower. You can tell by the red petioles and dark color of the leaves. It was transplanted into a 7 gallon pot with plenty of organic nutrients in a super soil for flower. Notice the top petioles are now green and getting plenty of phosphorus.
The curled leaves tell you there is an excess of fertilizer available to the plant. The soil is hot and if you look closely it looks like the big shade leaf is getting ready to burn between the veins. This is how you know to back off on ferts and just do water until the plant needs more if ever.IMG_20240827_085253.jpgIMG_20240827_085300.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Note that this plant has red petioles from a lack of nutrients. It is important to learn the differences of why. Ph lockout causes the same deficiency but can be a variety of problems in one.


Well-Known Member
Creampie and pound cake XD


Well-Known Member
My fix for the phosphorus deficiency was a bigger pot with amended soil. The new soil seems a little hot looking at the way that shade leaf is curled under.


Well-Known Member
If another cause other than lack of nutrients, and your seeing your plant get red petioles, then you need to do what every grower must do -check your water pH with and without nutrients and if you make soil or buy check it's pH. My EC levels are probly shocking right now but they will level off with plain pH balanced water. The nutrient deficiency in the photo plant was corrected before it made the leaves ugly. They have not burned at all as of yet. The curling could also be in response to it's exposure to bright LED light for the first time.


Well-Known Member
I started my Farmer Daughter in a one gallon pot. Spent two months in tent was put outside in May it is taller than me now and very happy and starting to bud up.

conor c

Well-Known Member
Creampie and pound cake XD
Aye I'm thinking of generals daughter from fdm my mistake lol



Well-Known Member
Aye I'm thinking of generals daughter from fdm my mistake lol

That looks like an interesting mix allways wanted to try c99