This is getting regodamdiculous


Active Member
This thread is hilarious ..but how did he get your real name?
Part of their 'pre-qualify' process. Alot of delivery services and cloners want your Dr rec and name so you can be verified as a legal Prop 215 patient.
Then, if you are dealing with a psycho, he can google your name and get info about you, family, friends, etc.
Never happened to me before. But it only takes once.
Judgement=Petitioner,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 years



This is Berto from SDCC. I don't usually post in forums but I had to chime in on this one. I was googling (sp?) SDCC to see what people are saying (it's always good to hear the bad to know what you have to improve upon). I too have had my issues with paul from eclones. He contacted me a couple of years ago about possibly supplying him with clones. He rubbed me the wrong way and I felt he was more about making money that furthering the cause. I decided to pass and then he flipped out. He decided to start a smear campaign against us. He built fake websites (including fake ranking sites) and basically harassed us with texts and emails. After a week or so the harassment stopped. I realized that he is clinically crazy and our best course of action is to ignore him.

As time went on we got numerous phone calls and emails complaining about getting ripped off from paul. The only reason I can assume we got the calls is because he specifically calls us out on his website (I wonder how much business we got from that? Thanks Paul, lol) If you only got ripped off for a hundred dollars or less consider yourself lucky. He has ripped a lot of people off for hundreds.

Cheers to everyone who gave that douchbag what he deserves!


Active Member
He didn't rip me off. ($1400 in attorneys fees and filing a restraining order)
I never bought anything from him.
He just made me miserable for a few weeks.
He was ordered to pay my attorney fees.
There is a long list of people he has created web sites about them being drug dealers.

This is Berto from SDCC. I don't usually post in forums but I had to chime in on this one. I was googling (sp?) SDCC to see what people are saying (it's always good to hear the bad to know what you have to improve upon). I too have had my issues with paul from eclones. He contacted me a couple of years ago about possibly supplying him with clones. He rubbed me the wrong way and I felt he was more about making money that furthering the cause. I decided to pass and then he flipped out. He decided to start a smear campaign against us. He built fake websites (including fake ranking sites) and basically harassed us with texts and emails. After a week or so the harassment stopped. I realized that he is clinically crazy and our best course of action is to ignore him.

As time went on we got numerous phone calls and emails complaining about getting ripped off from paul. The only reason I can assume we got the calls is because he specifically calls us out on his website (I wonder how much business we got from that? Thanks Paul, lol) If you only got ripped off for a hundred dollars or less consider yourself lucky. He has ripped a lot of people off for hundreds.

Cheers to everyone who gave that douchbag what he deserves!


so glad that you took this guy to court, I'm happy somewhat stuck it to him!!!

Why is this still happening though, they still have a very professional website claiming that they will provide things they don't provide with.

I just bought unrooted clones from the, ugh.

Will this ever stop or are they just being allowed to blatantly fuck people over.

DO NOT buy clones from emarijuana clones!!!! I learned the hard way, I wish I had seen this page beforehand. Please spread the word everyone


Active Member
so glad that you took this guy to court, I'm happy somewhat stuck it to him!!!

Why is this still happening though, they still have a very professional website claiming that they will provide things they don't provide with.

I just bought unrooted clones from the, ugh.

Will this ever stop or are they just being allowed to blatantly fuck people over.

DO NOT buy clones from emarijuana clones!!!! I learned the hard way, I wish I had seen this page beforehand. Please spread the word everyone
Keep posting about all of JP Ramirez illegal businesses.
I got a court order to keep him from harrassing me, my family, and my company.
He is operating an illegal organization that uses many different names, web addresses, phone numbers, etc.
Juan Pablo Ramirez is in charge of a criminal organization that takes advantage of prop 215 patients in California and Arizona.
Call your local law enforcement agency and report him if you believe has ripped you off.
If walmart ripped you off, you would take action. Why would anyone be afraid to take action against JP Ramirez? He is nothing. A spineless little man with a big mouth.
Any government agency in the country that looked at what Juan Pablo Ramirez is doing would decide against him.
And to answer your question, JP will not stop. And YOU are allowing him to fuck people over.
Prop 215 was passed because we took action and fought for a cause. I spent over $1600 to beat this chump in court, because what JP Ramirez was doing is WRONG. Sometimes you can't just sit there and wonder "why is this hapening?" Do something!!

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I can't help but think this whole thing could have been avoided by simply ignoring a rude text from an asshole and moving on.


Active Member
This prick just won't learn. He's violating the court order in more than one way. I guess some people actually need to be arrested before they understand what a court order is.
Mine is the 3rd civil harassment restraining order placed against jp ramirez .juan pablo ramirez of san diego. Look it up at the san diego sheriffs website, i would love to put this behind me but he is a persistent little internet predator


Well-Known Member
Wow, sounds like this prick needs knocked out before he will quit.

You have as much info on him as he does on you.

Kick his ass sea bass :)


Well-Known Member
This prick just won't learn. He's violating the court order in more than one way. I guess some people actually need to be arrested before they understand what a court order is.
Mine is the 3rd civil harassment restraining order placed against jp ramirez .juan pablo ramirez of san diego. Look it up at the san diego sheriffs website, i would love to put this behind me but he is a persistent little internet predator
Damn dude, what is he up to now?