This is how you determan when to start flower stage...


Thanks for the help trousers.

Hey magoo, I was wondering if you meant 98 plants altogether? Veg for two months? Your trying to regrow the jungle ya?
LOL no its the strain name, I have 12 clones and 12 ready to harvest anytime small time first grow.
Does a high yield plant like Critical Mass or Light of Jah need longer Veg to get max yield or will extra time in flower maximize the yield?

BTW this was an interesting thread until flaming started. Some of us are very new and appreciate reading varied personal opinions on topics such as this.


thanks for your replies,been a big help also what would you get more yield from,a couple of topped plants left to mature then flower or scrog as iv seen some growers get soo much from growing that way,ive got some pineapple chunk seeds,what is the best diesel strain outhere as there are soo many,ive heard that nyc diesel is the best,i may be wrong though,sorry for all these questions but im still abit of a noob,1 more question a friend of mine says that dyna grow products are excellent,are they worth buying or is canna better?(i dont want a list longer than my arm,just general nutrients)ie veg and flower.


Does a high yield plant like Critical Mass or Light of Jah need longer Veg to get max yield or will extra time in flower maximize the yield?

BTW this was an interesting thread until flaming started. Some of us are very new and appreciate reading varied personal opinions on topics such as this.
all I know from the Light of Jah I am growing it was vegged for 2 months and I took it over at 6 weeks into flower and it is going on 13 weeks and still going patience is the key with this strain. It was easy to clone and I am going to veg the clones for a while till I can clear out flower room. I do not think it would matter if it was a month vegg but it won't speed up the end they are going to be done when they are done. I have some colas that are over 13 inches and they are starting to plump up a bit but the pistils are still white standing straight up and trichs are clear so I am thinking at least 2 weeks. Good Luck be patient....


New Member
Does a high yield plant like Critical Mass or Light of Jah need longer Veg to get max yield or will extra time in flower maximize the yield?

BTW this was an interesting thread until flaming started. Some of us are very new and appreciate reading varied personal opinions on topics such as this.

Hey winter! Yeah I apologize for all the BS that happend. I'm sorry everybody!
This guy has 2 Acc's ones for trolling, the other is for politics. I knew who he was, we got in an argument on another thread, instead of coming here with is Real account. He jumps on jeffdogg. Sorry for the rambling. No one knows me on this site, I am here to give advice, nothing more. Anyways!!!

The discription on seeds will say something like 500grams per sq meter. That means that when growing in a sq meter you gotta fill that space to get the 500 mark. Also that is in perfect conditions. Which is almost Imposible to have. Another times, seed breeders will lie to you just to buy there seeds... So... Instead of, buying seeds that yield high, look into very potent. Off the top of my head there is one called big bud, and they crossed it with white widow. So now it has the potency of white widow, but the yield of a bi bud. There's this auto strain that came out, "auto pounder" they say that it can produce a pound a plant. But again that is in a sq meter room, with perfect growing conditions.


New Member
thanks for your replies,been a big help also what would you get more yield from,a couple of topped plants left to mature then flower or scrog as iv seen some growers get soo much from growing that way,ive got some pineapple chunk seeds,what is the best diesel strain outhere as there are soo many,ive heard that nyc diesel is the best,i may be wrong though,sorry for all these questions but im still abit of a noob,1 more question a friend of mine says that dyna grow products are excellent,are they worth buying or is canna better?(i dont want a list longer than my arm,just general nutrients)ie veg and flower.

Alot of times people will top, when there scrogging. Just so they get the spread they want in shorter amount of time. I would scrog, while topping. Seems appropriate for the technique. As for diesel strains..... There so many to take into consideration. If you wanna try out all of them, I would recommend NYPD first, because A) that's the only diesel strain on Nirvana, B) I too heard it was da nuts. Many will have different opinions because everyones different. You gotta find what you like. No one else can tell you that. Dynagro if VERY good. The only difference between canna and dynagro is dynagro is very cheap. I would personally do Dynagro Grow for bloom, and dynagro foliage Pro for veg.


Well-Known Member
I came across this blog and thought of all of you guys who ask this... Confusing question... Enjoy

Cannabis Light Schedules: When should I change my light schedule?
There are a million opinions about the best time to change your marijuana plant over to the flowering stage.
For those who don't know, your plant will stay in the vegetative or growing stage for as long as its daily 'dark period' is shorter than 12 hours a day. Or in other words, when the 'days' experienced by the plant are longer than 12 hours.
During this time, the plant does not produce buds at all.
In nature, as the days get shorter, cannabis plants will start flowering (producing buds) because they think winter is approaching.
The indoor grower will need to artificially induce flowering/budding in plants by changing the light schedule so the plant receives only 12 hours of light a day, and 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness.
Once the plant is changed over to the flowering (12/12) light schedule, there is generally another 6 weeks-5 months (average 2.5 months) before the plant's buds are ready for harvest.
So When is the Best Time to Start Flowering Your Cannabis?

The real answer is that i's a matter of personal preference and also depends on what end result you're looking for. There are two major considerations when choosing the right time to switch to 12/12, the age of the plant and the height of the plant:
Age: Some people feel that a marijuana plant which has been grown from seed will not produce as many buds or have enough resin production if the plant is not given at least 60 days in the vegetative stage to mature before it's changed over to the flowering stage. However, other people report success with germinating a seed, and changing the plant right over to flowering after only a week or two to get one or two sets of leaves. When growing with clones, age is not an issue and everyone seems to agree that you can switch directly to flowering once your clone has established roots. This is because even though the clone is small, it's still a 'mature' plant since it is made of a piece from a mature plant. In any case, whether you wait until your plant is 60 days old or start flowering it earlier, both methods can be successful, and you should switch your light schedule at the time that best fits your needs.
Height: A general rule is that your marijuana plant will double in size during the flowering stage from the point where you first change over the light schedule to 12/12. Some plants will grow more, some will grow less, but a good rule of thumb is to change your light schedule over to flowering when your plants have reached half of their final desired height. For those growing in a small space, height may be the primary concern. However, there are many techniques available to grow a short,bushy weed plant.
In optimal conditions, you would probably want to vegetate your plant for 60 days or more, and then switch it over to flowering. This will obviously give you the best final yields (and also the biggest and tallest final plant). However, if space is tight, then it's better to switch when the plant is half the final desired height, or even to just flower your cannabis plant straight from seed. If you're growing with clones, then you should only consider the height when switching over to flowering.

Tha-Tha-Tha That's all folks
This kind of skimps on covering the third important factor. You have to consider your light setup. You can't flower a 6' tree with a 200w CFL. It's not just about plant size or maturity, it's about what your grow area can support. They kind of make vague reference to keeping an eye on height, but they don't cover why the size is important. It's not just space issues you have to be aware of.

This isn't bad info, it just seems a bit lacking in much useful detail and is a bit sweeping. For example: Some of my seed plants show preflowers at about 30 days. This article says you need 60 to have a mature plant.

It's a good start, but it seems like there needs to be a bit more detail involved.


New Member
This kind of skimps on covering the third important factor. You have to consider your light setup. You can't flower a 6' tree with a 200w CFL. It's not just about plant size or maturity, it's about what your grow area can support. They kind of make vague reference to keeping an eye on height, but they don't cover why the size is important. It's not just space issues you have to be aware of.

This isn't bad info, it just seems a bit lacking in much useful detail and is a bit sweeping. For example: Some of my seed plants show preflowers at about 30 days. This article says you need 60 to have a mature plant.

It's a good start, but it seems like there needs to be a bit more detail involved.

What's up marine. Thanks for your opinion, I appreciate it. I gotta questions though, How would one get a 6' tall tree with 200w of cfls? I didn't quite understand that. If you have enough time, and space to grow a 6' tall tree, sounds like you know what your doing. And probably shouldn't be on this thread cause it's for new comers hahaha. And another thing I might add is there's over 5000 different strains out there. And no 2 are the same. I'm happy for your 30 day sexed plants though, congratulations. I hope you the best


Well-Known Member
What's up marine. Thanks for your opinion, I appreciate it. I gotta questions though, How would one get a 6' tall tree with 200w of cfls? I didn't quite understand that. If you have enough time, and space to grow a 6' tall tree, sounds like you know what your doing. And probably shouldn't be on this thread cause it's for new comers hahaha. And another thing I might add is there's over 5000 different strains out there. And no 2 are the same. I'm happy for your 30 day sexed plants though, congratulations. I hope you the best
No problem. It was to make a point, regarding the 200w cfl statement. I was using an extreme example to indicate that your lighting is extremely important indoors. If you outgrow your light's capabilities, your product will suffer. If you veg to your light's max coverage area, you're boned when the flowering stretch kicks in. See what I mean?

In regards to the second part, I know what you're getting at with the thousands of strains. It's exactly the point I was trying to make. There's thousands of strains, and mine is just one example of variation. Instead of a time, it should state how to tell when your plant is mature. Stating an exact number, when there is so much potential for variation, is building bad habits. In the new growers section; things that only cover half the issue, or state things that vary as a constant, can cause problems. Someone read this and now they potentially have a mature plant which they are sitting on for a few more weeks while it hits 60 days; or their plant isn't mature and they flowered it at 60 days with the expectation that it was mature. If this told how to spot a mature plant, that person would know that "60 days" is not a constant. Because that's how this blog makes it look.


New Member
No problem. It was to make a point, regarding the 200w cfl statement. I was using an extreme example to indicate that your lighting is extremely important indoors. If you outgrow your light's capabilities, your product will suffer. If you veg to your light's max coverage area, you're boned when the flowering stretch kicks in. See what I mean?

In regards to the second part, I know what you're getting at with the thousands of strains. It's exactly the point I was trying to make. There's thousands of strains, and mine is just one example of variation. Instead of a time, it should state how to tell when your plant is mature. Stating an exact number, when there is so much potential for variation, is building bad habits. In the new growers section; things that only cover half the issue, or state things that vary as a constant, can cause problems. Someone read this and now they potentially have a mature plant which they are sitting on for a few more weeks while it hits 60 days; or their plant isn't mature and they flowered it at 60 days with the expectation that it was mature. If this told how to spot a mature plant, that person would know that "60 days" is not a constant. Because that's how this blog makes it look.

I gotcha. Well, they will read and they will now know. instead of reading one thread, and thinkin that you can grow pot is unbelievable. And if you wanna grow with 200w of cfls you better know how much plan you can cover. I posted this, because alot of people ASK when to flower. When it reality its all up to them. It's like asking what the best strain is ya know? It's all person preference. And if you think you can grow. Please do so, but this is just one of many threads you gotta read.


ill have to look into that nypd diesel,theres a shop near me that sell 1000s of different strains and you end up soo spoilt for choice thatyou dont know which to pick lol,yeah for the money i think dyna grow is my best option until i find a money tree seed:) thanks for the advice its much appreciated.


New Member
ill have to look into that nypd diesel,theres a shop near me that sell 1000s of different strains and you end up soo spoilt for choice thatyou dont know which to pick lol,yeah for the money i think dyna grow is my best option until i find a money tree seed:) thanks for the advice its much appreciated.

If your looking for cash crop. Might I suggest autos? Very fast turn around, I get a good check at the end of every week from autos :)


i just replied but it disapeared,do you just leave the lights on 247 till its ready and is the quality ok,also how much can you expect on average per plant using 600w hps,could i pollenate an auto with a strong strain and get the best of both worlds,i naver even thought of buying autos b4 but if there alot quicker im goona have to give it a go and try to cross it with a diesel or cheese just typing cheese makes my mouth water lol,thanks for the advice:)


Well-Known Member
i just replied but it disapeared,do you just leave the lights on 247 till its ready and is the quality ok,also how much can you expect on average per plant using 600w hps,could i pollenate an auto with a strong strain and get the best of both worlds,i naver even thought of buying autos b4 but if there alot quicker im goona have to give it a go and try to cross it with a diesel or cheese just typing cheese makes my mouth water lol,thanks for the advice:)
If you cross a reg with an auto, you're in for some selective crossing until you get what you want. You most likely won't see many autoflowering plants from those seeds, you'll have to breed for a few generations to get what you are expecting. There are alot of auto strains these days though. I'm sure you could find a diesel and a cheese.


New Member
i just replied but it disapeared,do you just leave the lights on 247 till its ready and is the quality ok,also how much can you expect on average per plant using 600w hps,could i pollenate an auto with a strong strain and get the best of both worlds,i naver even thought of buying autos b4 but if there alot quicker im goona have to give it a go and try to cross it with a diesel or cheese just typing cheese makes my mouth water lol,thanks for the advice:)

Autos are very legit. Here are some strains:

Biodiesel mass
Diesel matic
Little cheese
White cheese

The list goes on. Like said above there's many autos out there. No need to cross anything.

Lighting for autos is best at 20-4 and look for about 2/2.5 zones under a 600.
Most harvest 50-75 days seed to harvest. Lemme know what you think. I grow nothing but autos ;)


ive been looking at autos,ive got a 600whps setup is that too much for veg as ive read they dont like too much when there babies,i can get hold of a 300w cfl dual spec would that be better for veg then put my hps on when it starts to flower,also the place i was gonna get my seeds from has a bad rep so ive joined a seedbank called attitude do you or any1 know of this site and r they any good as i cant afford to be ripped off,thanks for your reply:)


ive seen a strain of auto called think different by duthch passion,has any1 grown this?also im taking your adice and getting bcn diesel,ive also heard good things about hijak,but i think im gonna go with 3 think different and 3 bcn diesel,ive read some1 yielded over 300g on 1 plant with think different all though i dont expect toget anywhere near that as he grew using dwc and i wouldnt know where to start lol,with 6 autos im hoping to get at least 6 oz dry,i dont think thats asking too much,thanks again your advice have made me think different:)