I have an oscillating fan inside and about five weeks ago I installed an exhaust fan to suck out the hot air. I'm using a 6" Booster Fan, not an actual inline fan. This is used to work with an inline fan to increase to suction power. I decided to just go with just using a 6" Booster only for the time being, it was an extremely cheap alternative and it is keeping me at all the right RH and Temp levels. My local hydro store said that because its a Booster, its only supposed to be used to blow IN cold air and not blow OUT hot air, the hot air actually will kill the fan over time. They said anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months the fan will die but they will replace it free of charge. I plan on having an actual inline fan by then, only 4" though as that will be plenty for my 5x2x6 tent.
I actually went to my local hardware store a few weeks ago when I was shopping around for Fans or Boosters, and they didn't carry inline fans. I only went to Osh though, didn't check Home Depot. They're $108 at my local hydro store, you're saying I could get that for the price of my booster at a hardware store? If this is true I'd go pick that up today, I'm going to have to check Home Depot.