This is my first harvest and i need general person to person tips/advice


Active Member
the heat i fine take it this way 1 hps 600watt too hot 4 my grow room wiv fans an air cooler wheres wiv the cfls dont need it just use in an out take an temps low 80's
Ok.But that can be fixed with a fan and air coolable hood.But if those cfls work for you then keep growing.Have you ever did a grow?what was the yeild per plant?


Active Member
ive done a couple grows wiv mates but never wiv cfls this is my first actual grow of my own thats y just wanted 2 c wat i could get usin 900watts worth of cfls on 8 plants ive got pics of them 2 weeks into flower if u check my threads comin along nicely showed there sex within 3 days my plants r now 5ft tall aswell


Well-Known Member
Hi and thanks for reading. My girl is at 7 weeks into flowering putting her at a day or 2 more than 10 weeks old. I used cfl's for lighting at about 7,000 lumens used 15-30-15 for food and for the last 2 weeks have used 1tbl spoon of molasses/gallon water and a uvb light. 1 week ago i pruned all the fan leaves covering the buds and trimmed off a small bud to test. It wasnt very potent at all, it was potent enough to feel that "something" in the back of your head but not potent enough to get me high so i figured maybe she isnt ready yet, its been a week since then as i said and the buds dont appear to be getting more dense but she is coming to the end of her cycle as about 65% of the hairs have changed color, trichs are still mostly clear/partly cloudy. The cola is only about 4-5 inches and about 1 1/2 inch thick all the other buds are maybe a bowls worth? BTW the UVB light made a big difference within a week i had glistening sugary looking trichs all over and i was happy about that.

My questions are this,
1. how much longer should i wait to harvest based on what you've read?
2.will my buds get any more dense if i wait longer?
3. will the buds get any more potent?
4. what is the absolute latest you should wait to harvest without losing thc?

Trichs are a defense mechanism for the plants that just happen to get us high.

Your plant may be slowing down or being held back by the uvb light, everything else seems good from what you are telling us.

I tried using a uvb light on my very first grow, had no clue yet, and they grew real slow untill that light was removed and only the cfl lights were left. I reccomend removing the uvb from your set up to see if your girls will ripen any better.

remember your name

Active Member
hmmm not sure if i want to remove the uvb light that seems kinda ridiculous to me, uvb is in sunlight and should be there for the plants, yes i know the trichs are a self defence from the uvb, thats a good thing, it is an idea but i think she just has another week or 2 to go, that uvb light has made a HUGE difference in trich production so possibly she is more focused on trich production than bud density right now...hmmm more trichs or bigger buds? Maybe i'll remove it and throw her into a 2 day dark period for massive trich production and then remove the uvb and put her back under her regular light schedule for another week or 2 before doing the 2 day dark again....just a thought

remember your name

Active Member
by the way, before anything gets started about hps vs cfl i want to nip that in the bud now, no one cares what light system someone else thinks is better anymore, use what works for you with the space that you have...its not like you havent seen results from buds grown under these different light set ups. Mr M3rk how many cfl's are you using for 8 plants? Cuz it better be about 1 light per 8 fan leafs and the light needs to be within 2-4 inches from foliage and its a good idea to rotate, also make sure there are cfls from top to bottom all around the plant/s


Active Member
im usin 3 300 watt cfls 4 my 8 plants=900watts and there as close as i can get them 2 the plants about 2-3 inches it just means i have 2 watch them every day 2 at the tops and 1 at the side and i rotate them daily so they all get there fair share my first actual real grow of my own done couple of grows wiv a freind so use 2 usin hps i have a 600 watt hps but to many heat problems specially in this weather thats y ive gone 4 cfls till my new grow room is set up and i get couple coolin tubes

remember your name

Active Member
whered you get 300 watt cfl's? is that actual wattage? You would get bigger buds using more cfls remember daylight blue spectrum cfl for veg and soft red spectrum for flower